On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
> On 19 Jan 2013, at 13:42, Telmo Menezes wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 17 Jan 2013, at 16:01, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> On 17 Jan 2013, at 13:32, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Naive question...
>>>> Not being a physicists, I only have a pop-science level of understanding
>>>> of the MWI. I imagine the multi-verse as a tree, where each time there is
>>>> more than one possible quantum state we get a branch. I imagine my
>>>> consciousness moving down the tree.
>>>> Suppose Mary performs the Schrodinger's cat experiment in her house and
>>>> Joe does the same in his house. They both keep the animals in the boxes and
>>>> don't take a peak. Don't tell PETA. They meet for a coffe in a nearby
>>>> coffeeshop.
>>>> So now we have four possible universes where Mary and Joe can meet. But
>>>> from the double slit experiment we know that the cats are both still
>>>> dead+alive in the current universe. Right? So are Mary and Joe meeting in
>>>> the fours universes at the same time?
>>> Let a = alive, d = dead, and the subscript 1 and 2 distinguishes the two
>>> cats, which are independent. Both cats are in a superposed state dead +
>>> alive:
>>> (a1 + d1) and (a2 + d2),
>>> so the two cats configuration is given by (a1 + d1) * (a2 + d2), with "*"
>>> the tensor product.
>>> This products is linear and so this give a1*a2 + a1*d2 + d1*a2 + d2*a2.
>>> Mary and Joe don't interact with any cats, so the global state is also a
>>> direct tensor product M * J * (a1*a2 + a1*d2 + d1*a2 + d2*a2), which gives:
>>> M * J *a1*a2 + M * J *a1*d2 + M * J *d1*a2 + M * J *d2*a2
>>> You can add the "normalization" constant, which are 1/sqrt(2) times
>>> 1/sqrt(2) = 1/2=
>>> 1/2 M * J *a1*a2 + 1/2 M * J *a1*d2 + 1/2 M * J *d1*a2 + 1/2 M * J *d2*a2
>>> So the answer to your question is yes.
>> Nice. Thanks Bruno!
>> Welcome!
>>> To be sure, the normalizing factor does not mean there are four
>>> universes, but most plausibly an infinity of universes, only partitioned in
>>> four parts with identical quantum relative measure.
>> Sure, I get that.
>> Am I a set of universes?
>> You can put it in that way. You can be identified by the set of the
>> universes/computations going through your actual states. But that is really
>> a logician, or category theoretician manner of speaking: the identification
>> is some natural morphism.
>> Well I think Bohr made the trick for the atoms. I think he defines once an
>> atom by the set of macroscopic apparatus capable of measuring some set of
>> observable.
>> That can be useful for some reasoning, but also misleading if taken
>> literally, without making clear the assumed ontology.
> Ok. That mode of reasoning is weirdly appealing to me. Even Bohr's take.
> It is common in algebra, logic and exploited in category theory. As long as
> we identify identity and morphism it is OK, in the applied fields.
> Don't confuse the price of a glass of beer with the set of all glass of
> beers with the same price :)
>> Logicians often identify a world with a set of proposition (the
>> proposition true in that world).
>> But they identify also a proposition with the a set of worlds (the worlds
>> in which that proposition is true).
>> Doing both identification, you can see a world as a set of set of worlds.
>> That is useful for some semantics of modal logics.
> What textbook would you recommend on modal logic? (I'm relatively
> confortable with first-order logic from studying classical AI and also from
> Prolog).
> The two books by George Boolos (1979, 1993), on the self-referential logics
> (G, G*, S4Grz) contains a quite good introduction to modal logic.
> The best textbook on modal logic is in my opinion is the book by Brian
> Chellas: "Modal logic an introduction".
> http://www.amazon.com/Modal-Logic-Introduction-Brian-Chellas/dp/0521295157
> A recreative introduction to modal logic and self-reference (the logic G) is
> "Forever Undecided" by Raymond Smullyan.
> (A good book on first order logic, with the main theorems (deduction,
> completeness and soundness, Löwenheim-Skolem, incompleteness) is Elliott
> Mendelson.)

Here is a link to what seems to be a very complete set of tutorials on logic:

>> Those are examples of dualities, which abounds in logic, and which can be
>> very useful when used which much care, and very misleading when forgetting
>> that a morphism is not an identity relation.
>>> To get the exact "number" of universes, we should first solve the
>>> marriage of gravity with the quantum. And with comp, we should also derive
>>> the Quantum from arithmetic (but that's not true, actually: with comp we
>>> have directly the infinities of "universes").
>> Ok, sounds good but I have to dig deeper. (moving my own understanding of
>> what you're saying beyond the mushiness that it currently is)
>> I can recommend the reading of the book by David Albert "Quantum Mechanics
>> and experience(*)". It is short and readable.
> Nice. I bought it and I'm enjoying it so far.
> Nice.
> Best,
> Bruno
>> To get all the quantum weirdness, and quantum computation, you don't
>> really need the Hilbert Space, a simple linear space, on the complex
>> numbers, is enough, with a good scalar product. It is about infinitely
>> easier to grasp quantum teleportation (and other very weird quantum things)
>> than to derive the structure of the Hydrogen atom from the SWE. Quantum
>> weirdness is simple!
>> I don't follow David Albert on Bohm, and he could have been less quick on
>> the Bell's inequality, ... and Everett, but it provides, imo, the best
>> simplicity/rigor tradeoff to get the main "conceptual difficulties" of the
>> QM theory.
>> Bruno
>> (*)
>> http://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Mechanics-Experience-David-Albert/dp/0674741137
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/
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