Hi Jesse,

Well, we disagree here but thinking we know for sure the details of what 
Einstein believed is probably a lost cause - for me at least, but you of 
course can always call him up and ask him, since in your view he still 
actually exists as a block time time line!

Let me know when you get an answer and I'll be a believer in block time too!


On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 10:14:43 AM UTC-5, jessem wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:19 AM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Jesse,
>> I agree that the evidence is that Einstein very probably believed in a 
>> non personal God of the universe. But there are those who try to prove he 
>> believed in a personal Biblical God and they do come up with some quotes 
>> they claim support their belief.
> But you said *you* thought his quotes on God were inconsistent, not just 
> that some other people might incorrectly infer belief in a Biblical God 
> from his quotes. Can you think of any comments of his that *you* think are 
> inconsistent with a Spinoza-esque pantheist God?
>> The quote you provide re an objective now are simply referencing the 
>> non-simultaneity cases of clock time which are well known but as I've 
>> pointed out ad nauseum do NOT falsify an actual present moment. That is 
>> clearly shown by the twins having NON-simultaneous clock times in the exact 
>> SAME present moment.
> He referred to "sections" of the four-dimensional structure and the idea 
> that none of these "sections" can "represent 'now' objectively", so clearly 
> he wasn't just talking about individual readings on local clocks, but 
> rather the spacelike simultaneity surfaces (surfaces of constant coordinate 
> time) used by inertial frames. Though as I've mentioned before, inertial 
> frames can be defined in terms of a hypothetical *network* of clocks 
> filling all of space, which have been "synchronized" in their rest frame, 
> so in this sense simultaneity surfaces are based on clock readings. 
>> And as this quote points out "the concepts of happening and becoming are 
>> indeed NOT completely suspended, just more complicated".
> Yes, just like plenty of eternalists would say.
>>  And he goes on to note that there is an "EVOLUTION of a three 
>> dimensional existence in time" which clearly indicates what he really 
>> believed in was a 4-dimensional universe in which things EVOLVE, happen and 
>> change. 
> No, he said that we "should think of physical reality as a 
> four-dimensional existence, INSTEAD OF, AS HITHERTO, the evolution of a 
> three dimensional existence." In other words, he was contrasting the older 
> view of physical reality as "the evolution of a three dimensional 
> existence" with the newer view of "a four-dimensional existence", and 
> saying the latter is how we "should" think of things.
> Jesse
> That is NOT block time. It's a 4-dimensional universe in which things 
>> change and happen and become, though in a more complicated way than the old 
>> Newtonian way.
>> So I would argue against your interpretation based on this quote...
>> And of course using the present "in the ordinary everyday way" of direct 
>> observation is itself strong evidence that a present moment does actually 
>> exist and block time doesn't, and that everybody that uses it that way 
>> implicitly and most explicitly believe that....
>> Edgar
>> On Monday, February 3, 2014 10:34:46 PM UTC-5, jessem wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>>>> Jesse,
>>>> That's possible but it's only one quote and considering the 
>>>> circumstances it could have just been an attempt to provide comfort to the 
>>>> grieving family. Also Einstein is known to have spoken metaphorically at 
>>>> times and even to seemingly contradict himself on occasion (eg. on 
>>>> religious belief), so I think one would need to have more than just that 
>>>> one quote to make a convincing case.
>>> All of his statements on religion I've seen seem completely consistent 
>>> with a Spinoza-esque pantheism, where do you think he contradicted himself 
>>> on religion? As for block time, that wasn't his only comment in support of 
>>> the idea, for example at http://everythingforever.com/einstein.htm we 
>>> find the following even more explicit endorsement of the block time view: 
>>> 'Since there exists in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no 
>>> longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of 
>>> happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet 
>>> complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality 
>>> as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of 
>>> a three dimensional existence.'
>>>> On the other hand I suspect one can find very many Einstein quotes in 
>>>> which he mentions the PRESENT which would stand in direct contradiction to 
>>>> a belief in a block universe.
>>> Did he use it in the context of talking about the nature of time in 
>>> physics or philosophy, or was he just using it in the ordinary everyday 
>>> way, like talking about the "present political situation" or something? If 
>>> the latter, I think eternalists talk that way all the time, simultaneity 
>>> issues make no practical difference when you're just talking about events 
>>> confined to the Earth. And aside from simultaneity issues, talking about 
>>> the "present" doesn't preclude the possibility that other times are equally 
>>> real, it's just an indexical term like "here".
>>> Jesse
>>>> On Monday, February 3, 2014 7:37:44 PM UTC-5, jessem wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Liz,
>>>>>> You keep repeating your UNSUBSTANTIATED claim that both Newton and 
>>>>>> Einstein believed in block time.
>>>>>> I've repeatedly asked you to substantiate this claim with some actual 
>>>>>> quotes from them but you have been unable to do so.
>>>>>> Please provide quotes substantiating this or withdraw the claim. 
>>>>>> That's only fair...
>>>>> In Einstein's case this does definitely seem to be his own belief, for 
>>>>> example when his lifelong friend Michael Besso died in 1955, he sent his 
>>>>> family a letter in which he wrote:
>>>>> "Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. 
>>>>> That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the 
>>>>> distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly 
>>>>> persistent illusion."
>>>>> I think the serious context of this letter likely precludes the 
>>>>> possibility that he was joking, or that he was just speaking in an 
>>>>> offhand 
>>>>> way about how relativity models the world as opposed to expressing a 
>>>>> belief 
>>>>> about the way the world really is.
>>>>> Jesse
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