On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:33 PM, <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

> Thrre was a report judt last week released by the NAS and the UK Royal
> Society indicating that switching power sources will not help.

You're just repeating yourself, did you actually read my response? I asked
if you were talking about the report at
which was released by the Royal Society and NAS on Feb. 27 (I don't
if you'd call that "last week")-- just tell me "yes" or "no", please.

If your answer is "yes"--and I'm pretty sure that the NAS and Royal Society
didn't release any OTHER climate reports besides this one in the last
couple weeks--then as I already explained before, it's clear you simply
didn't understand it well (or didn't read the entire thing), since while
the report did say on p. 22 that CO2 levels wouldn't drop quickly if
emissions were halted, p. B8 also clearly shows that temperature wouldn't
rise much beyond present levels in an "aggressive emissions reduction"
scenario, whereas it would rise to levels that would likely be pretty
catastrophic for human civilization in a "business as usual" emissions

> Secondly, the behavior of pols and the super rich are not consistent with
> this new report, or fears of an insurging ocean.

Most politicians and super rich, like most people in general, have a bias
towards preserving their near-term interests over long-term issues
(especially issues that are only likely to become really serious after
their death). The effects of climate change aren't fast enough that they're
likely to have much effects on a politician's reelection prospects, or a
rich person's stock portfolio over the next couple decades. Still, plenty
of politicians and business leaders are making serious efforts, see this
article I posted to John Clark about how the EU's emissions reduction
policy has brought down emissions by 18% since 1990 levels, on track with
the goals they set at the Kyoto conference:


And here's an article about how Apple CEO Tim Cook shot down investors who
didn't approve of the policy of reducing emissions by relying more on
renewable energy:


> This peaks my suspicion. But fear not, I am but a submicron with zero
> influence on public policy. I just am suspicious of the ruling class using
> academic hucksters to glom more power-highly intelligent hucksters though
> they may be.

So you think scientists are "academic hucksters" if they reach conclusions
about objective reality that might favor policies that are inconvenient for
your own political beliefs? Your responses to Chris clearly show you
haven't made any attempt to understand the science on its own terms,
independent of politics and crude us vs. them tribalistic thinking
(liberals are worried about global warming while U.S. conservatives and
libertarians typically aren't, liberals=bad, therefore it must be a power


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Mazer <laserma...@gmail.com>
> To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Mon, Mar 10, 2014 1:15 pm
> Subject: Re: The situation at Fukushima appears to be deteriorating
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 12:31 PM,  &lt;spudboy...@aol.com&gt; wrote:
> According to Chris, "Climate is not the weather" or the local weather. So
> if this suggestion is correct, its local anomalies over the years, driven
> onward, by El Nino' or La Nina' ? According to a report released, last
> week, by the Royal Climate Group and the US national academy of sciences, a
> change in energy sources will not help us. I had to read it twice to
> comprehend what the report indicated.
> Are you talking about the report at http://dels.nas.edu/
> resources/static-assets/exec-office-other/climate-
> change-full.pdf ? If so you have totally misunderstood "what the report
> indicated", page B8 shows that climate models predict the "Aggressive
> emissions reduction" scenario would result in much lower global temperature
> in 2100 than the "'Business as usual' emissions" scenario. They do say on
> p. 22 that "If emissions of CO2 stopped altogether, it would take many
> thousands of years for atmospheric CO2 to return to 'pre-industrial' levels
> due to its very slow transfer to the deep ocean and ultimate burial in
> ocean sediments", but even if temperatures don't drop for a while, as long
> as they don't rise to levels much above what we have today, the
> consequences probably wouldn't be too bad (for a discussion of the likely
> consequences of each 1 degree rise, check out the book "Six Degrees: Our
> Future on a Hotter Planet" by Mark Lynas).
> Jesse
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