[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: Climate models


On 3 April 2014 05:56, Chris de Morsella <> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of

It is the belief that the scentists can be trusted to do the research they
are supposed to do in a scientifically responsible way, vs. the belief in
the conspiracy theory that the entire scientific field has been hijacked by
ultra left wing environmental pressure groups.


A conspiracy theory that has become spread through massive funding by the
big holders of fossil carbon reserves -- seeking to protect the future
valuation of those reserves, which has a large impact on the current
valuation of their carbon holdings. An eminently rational (if cynical)
motive, for these narrow carbon interests, but one that has sowed confusion
and doubt, using the same "junk science" (and "left wing hijacked science")
accusations that were perfected by Big Tobacco in the preceding decades. It
worked then for Big Tobacco and this same strategy of sowing falsehoods,  is
working now for the big carbon interests.

>> Exactly. It's even been making some headway in the interests of denying
evolution, for God (as it were) knows what reason.

It is but a small step from a world wherein science is tarred and feathered
with pejorative connotations - e.g. the "junk science" meme. To a brave
(old) world where science is junked and the darkness of ignorance returns
under the rule by fiat, backed up with force and rooted in dogma. 

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