On Friday, April 18, 2014 11:52:59 PM UTC+1, Brent wrote:
>  On 4/18/2014 7:13 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
> What society thinks has nothing to do with it, because weak 
> correlation-based scientific evidence is used selectively to create laws 
> that were desired a priori by some interest group.
> That implies some nefarious motive and corrupt use of data known to be 
> wrong.  In fact there was no nefarious 'interest group' that wanted to ban 
> marijuana or to ban alcohol or to ban heroin.  All these bans were 
> initiated by people who believed in the ill effects of these substances for 
> individuals and for society.  In many cases they had personal experience.  
> That the bans may have given rise to criminal activities to circumvent 
> them, isn't to the point of their origin.
> Brent
To the part about personal experience...Right - I had personal experience, 
like presumably a lot of people. I actually mentioned seeing two personal 
friends starting to smoke pot in their early teens and being 
institutionalized a few years later. Like...oddballs shambling up and down 
the street for the rest of their lives, I imagine. 
I wasn't looking for a violin, but the response by some people on this 
thread, was pretty fucking insulting. Bruno all but accused me of lying in 
his scare quotes "experience" he puts it down to. PGC blurbs out this 
pompous indifferent padded life twallop, and telmo jumps in with a load of 
projection about ghastly politically motivated people that hide behind 
spurious scientific veneers - and basically anything else they find useful 
- to continually push some twisted self-serving inconsiderate agenda. All 
this when there is hard scientific evidence my experience was probably well 
to be 
a bunch of cunts. 
OK...I'm over it now. All forgiven. Big hugs :o) 

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