[] On Behalf Of meekerdb


On 4/19/2014 1:15 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 19 Apr 2014, at 08:42, Samiya Illias wrote:

The harmful effects of the consumption of intoxicants for the individual and
its consequent effects on society are observable. The bans are in thus in
the larger interest. 



This does not follow. Banning intoxicant augments the intoxicant
consumption, and so, if that is bad, it leads to the contrary effect than
the one desired.

Even if it suppresses the consumption of something that is bad for you (e.g.
tobacco smoking) the actions necessary for suppression: searches, police
surveillance, fines, imprisonment - may be worse than the effects of

Besides which - if left alone - the effects of something that is bad for you
ultimately result in bad outcomes for the individuals with the bad habits.
Over time cultures begin to recognize the correlation between some habit and
bad outcomes and a natural balance is achieved without state intervention. 

For example - to use a non drug behavior - the practice of safe sex (i.e.
using a condom) has markedly reduced the transmission rates of many deadly
diseases, such as hiv, amongst sexually active populations. This cultural
behavioral change - from not using condoms to using condoms, has not been
achieved through state enforcement (also highly impractical perhaps), but
through the spread of the awareness and consequent cultural adaptation.

It is legal in many places - Italy for example - for hard alcohol to be sold
to a four year old, but it does not happen in practice - all without the
need for the repressive enforcement of any laws, regulations, but rather
through the more benign method of custom and basic common sense. It is
through learned cultural adaptation that most things can and should be
handled. State intervention should be reserved for acute types of acts, such
as say murder, or massive toxic pollution  that are intolerable for general

The need to make laws, to prohibit (also religiously->politically, in say
how Islam prohibits - by force -- the consumption of pork or alcohol)
against perceived moral or behavioral wrongs is ultimately a grand waste of
energy and a powerful enabler of organized criminality and widespread
corruption that achieves nothing except driving certain proscribed behaviors
underground into the shadow world of the organized crime syndicate & central
intelligence agency dominated black world. the world that effectively rules
- or at the very least powerfully influences -- the visible official world
that is publicly represented as being the entire story.

There is no need for the cure; the cure is worse than the disease because
dangerous behavior self corrects in that those who engage in it are removed
from the gene pool and provide teachable moments to other individuals who
witness their trajectories. As amongst mountain climbers it is well known
that there are no old free climbers.. Because they die young! By a similar
parallel kind of mechanism the ultimate trajectories that various drug
habits (or any habit for that matter: gambling say, or over-eating, bad
diet, or lack of exercise. etc.) lead people's lives on becomes part of our
cultural repertoire, without the need for any state intervention.

Junkies, like free climbers (who climb rock faces without pitons or rope)
also tend to die young. There will always be some individuals who are drawn
into these habits or pursuits, but the percentages will always be small
because the vast majority of people can draw on their cultural knowledge and
wisely avoid these habits or risk intense pursuits. 

Why not just let Darwinian evolution do its job? Culture should attempt to
educate and encourage, and offer means of rehabilitation for junkies and
alcoholics, and for a host of other impulse driven bad behavior. I very much
support that, but I see - as the evidence from the fifty plus failed example
of the drug war proves - that state repression is not an answer. Rather it
is the profit engine of the global crime syndicates whose immense profits
over time corrupt all institutions in society (the stock exchanges, the
banks, the legal system itself) and whose black world intersects in a
perverse and corrupting manner with the world of state central intelligence
agencies (which also operate largely outside the law, and which do business
with the crime syndicates)



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