On 31 May 2014 21:35, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> To oppose religion and science transforms science into a religion. On the
> contrary, non confessional theology has to come back in the academy, that's
> all. The problem is not religion, it is the authoritative arguments. Some
> atheists club are worst than catholics is the way they dismiss evidences.
> They confirmed my felling that atheism is just, like Christianism, a
> variant of the Aristotelian theology.

I think Dawkins is talking basically about authoritative arguments. He
clearly has in mind the insistence that "god did it", which stops people
being able to think of alternative explanations. I agree with him on this,
even if I am personally agnostic and not a militant atheist - god is not an
explanation, it merely pushes the question back a step.

Q Why is there something rather than nothing?
A Because god made the world.
Q So why is there god rather than nothing?
A Don't blaspheme! (or whatever)

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