There is a theory of everything – my theory, “The Ross Model”.  You are a smart 
person and you are extremely interested in this subject, so sooner or later you 
will get around to reading my book.  And I predict you will be forced to agree 
with me.  


John Ross


[] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 1:47 PM


On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 9:39 PM, John Ross <> wrote:


> My theory predicts anti-particles and explains the internal structure of the 
> basic particles, electrons, positrons


Bullshit. Forget cutting edge questions on the frontiers of science, you can't 
even explain how magnetism works, but Maxwell could do so 150 years ago.   

>and entrons.


Since there is no evidence that  "entrons" exist there is no need to explained 


>Your’s do not.


Feynman explained  why the magnetic moment of the electron can not be exactly 1 
and must be 1.00115965246; what do you calculate it to be?


 > The only force in the Universe is the Coulomb force. 


Then why stick the name "Coulomb" on it? All Coulomb did was discover the law 
of static electrical attraction, a very very small (and dull) part of Maxwell's 
grand theory of electromagnetism, which is just a small part of Electroweak 
Theory, which is just small part of the Theory Of Everything, assuming such a 
theory exists. I don't understand why you don't just call it "The Force". Too 
Star Wars? 


> there is no strong force.


Then what keeps the nucleus from exploding from the repulsive force of all 
those positively charged protons?   


 >  I never understood the electroweak force.


Wow what a surprise. 


> There is a force of gravity but  only my theory explains how gravity is 
> produced. 


Einstein explained why gravity causes the precession of the perihelion of 
Mercury to have the value we observe it to have, you've admitted that your 
theory can not. If your theory is better than Einstein's how is that possible?

 >What I really cannot understand is how you can be so sure that I am wrong 
 >when you have refused to even read my book


If you can't even write an intelligent post how can you write a intelligent 

> and study my calculations.


Calculations?! You don't even understand arithmetic, you think .928 is equal to 

 >  I had the impression that a goal of this chat group was to find a “theory 
 > of everything” 


If it is then that's foolish, the goal should be to just find out more about 
the world; we don't even know if a theory of everything  exists, and even if it 
does it is most certainly not going to be simpler than Maxwell's theory of 
electromagnetism which you have zero understanding of and have probably never 
even heard of even though it's by far the greatest development in physics 
during  the 19th century.  

> that would be a simple understandable theory that would explain all of nature.


We don't know if a theory of everything even exists and even if it does we 
don't know if the human brain, any human brain, is powerful enough to 
understand it.

  John K Clark


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