> On 15 Jun 2014, at 12:17 pm, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 11:29:04AM +1000, Kim Jones wrote:
> ....
>> Real thinking involves all four wheels of the car on the ground. An argument 
>> style of thinking only has three wheels on the ground. The missing fourth 
>> wheel is generic, possibility-based thinking that turns away from agreement 
>> and disagreement. The idea should be the need to explore the terrain of 
>> ideas rather than to seek the chink or the flaw in each other's armour. 
>> Exploring a terrain of ideas such as we do here routinely is best done when 
>> we neither agree nor disagree with each other but turn and face in the same 
>> direction and simply report to each other on what we "see just up ahead." 
>> This way we advance as a group and do not dissolve into sectarian, tribal "I 
>> am right, you are wrong" adversarial squabbles. In the rare moments where 
>> humans do this, we are truly persons; possibly the self-referentially 
>> correct Löbian entities of comp.
>> Sorry - this post was too long.
> :)
> The real trick is to strike a balance between criticism, that prevents
> unproductive and obviously _wrong_ ideas from consuming time and
> energy, and free-wheeling speculation that leads to creative ideas.
> The question is - where do you think the balance is in this forum? I
> can see arguments for both ends of the spectrum.
Yes, of course. This is why thinking - real productive thinking and not 
freewheeling point to point conversation - is best carried out under the aegis 
of an artificially designed framework, like de Bono's Six Thinking Hats. The 
trouble is, until you see the output of a Hats session, one tends to think that 
this is just a way to shackle thinking when in fact the reverse is the case. De 
Bono held to the firm assertion that thinking is best done in a formal way and 
in terms of a set of rules which he generally tricked up as a kind of a game. 
For this reason you can teach the Hats to 4 year olds in kindergarten and you 
can teach it to Nobel Laureates with equally amazing results. The idea is to 
defeat the naturally negative adversarial hyper-critical default frame of human 
thinking and make it impossible for people to just sit around and criticise 
each other and get nowhere at all. Thinking is done for a reason, not for 
entertainment. Unfortunately, it may just be that posting to lists like this 
one may be its own reward which is what goes on with most social media. De Bono 
said that social media just makes people lazy and stupid in their thinking and 
the older I get the more I see what he means.

Having said that, and to address your question more directly, de Bono thinkers 
allow that in science there is a big role given to the Black Hat, which is 
where you are allowed to demonstrate in logical terms why an idea is flawed, 
may not work, has serious drawbacks etc. because this is indeed the basis of 
the scientific method and Popperism etc. It may just be though that the use of 
the Yellow Hat and Green Hats is somewhat underplayed. With the Yellow Hat on 
(everyone wears the same-coloured metaphorical Hat at the same time) you MUST 
seek the benefits of an idea, even if your Red Hat gut feeling wants to 
intervene and say what a bunch of crap, which is the old-fashioned argument 
style where people interrupt each other and smack one another down the moment 
they have a chance to. You cannot say "I am the resident Black Hat thinker 
around here, I only do the Black Hat" because if you do, you will instantly be 
seen to be very deficient at Yellow Hat and Green Hat thinking which will get 
you laughed out of the room. This is where the balance in the positive and the 
negative is seriously and productively achieved. One of the rules of the gsme 
is to always wear the Yellow Hat before the Black Hat since absolutely everyone 
is an expert at Black Hat thinking whereas Yellow Hat thinking needs to be 

My invoice for this consultancy session will arrive in the post soon.


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