On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 6:43 AM, <ghib...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  > A lot is understood about intelligence in humans

Almost nothing is understood about intelligence in humans, otherwise we
could double our IQ  by knowing which modes of thought are productive and
which just waste time and lead nowhere.

> > we can do things like make a list of life outcomes that are most
> strongly tied in with intelligence

And if a machine can obtain more of those outcomes than I can then the
machine is smarter than me.

> you've said the hard problem is intelligence and not consciousness.

Yes, that's why so many people on this list have a consciousness theory but
not one has a intelligence theory. There is no easier job in the world than
being a consciousness theorist because any theory works about as well as
any other, and even if you happen to stumble upon the correct one there is
no way to know that you have. On the other hand there is no harder job in
the world than being a intelligence theorist, but at least if you happen to
stumble upon the correct intelligence theory the fact that you've suddenly
become the world's first trillionaire is a pretty good hint that your
theory is on the right track.

> > humans can learn skills by repetition and we have to be able to say
> whether these correlations are about learning skills or intelligence.

More pathetic sore looser rationalizations, you didn't win because you're
smarter than me, you're just more skilful. And so it came to pass that
after outmaneuvering 8 billion people the last surviving member of the
species Homo Sapiens turned to the Jupiter Brain 4 seconds before the
Godlike computer sent it into oblivion forever and said "nevertheless I
still think I'm *really* smarter than you".

 John K Clark

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