On 7/4/2014 5:40 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
I am suspecting, based on intelligence made public,using the old Claude Shannon method based on what the "faithful" te each other,nin Arabic and Farsi, that they view the unraveling of the Bagdad,regime that Allah smiles upon their holy war. In their messages to each other they encourage one another to bring divine punishment upon the Americans. Can they seriously, do this? It may just be war talk, but their leader is experienced in such matters. If they possess active new "toys" that they can heap upon the enemies of Allah. I will say its a true threat, but how much lead time will they need to act, and upon which target is unknown. I wouldn't ignore this or be content by telling ourselves we are so big and bad, we can never be hurt. I love Amrerica, but I see us as a giant with a glass jaw.

That's the kind of talk that gets us into wars we don't need to be in. "A glass jaw"? OMIGOD those jihadists may sneak a punch that knocks the U.S. out! We'd better defend ourselves mucking about in the middle east or they'll be ISIS tanks on the streets of New York! This is exactly the same kind of fear mongering that Bush did about weapons of mass delusion, and LBJ did about the domino theory. The point is not that we can't be hurt. Killing some people in a nation of 350 million isn't hard (we do it all the time). But it doesn't do anything to destroy or even diminish the nation, unless we succumb to fearful responses like war and a police state.

Osama bin Laden and George W Bush are twin sides of the same war on Terra, which is really a revolt against the Enlightenment and modernism.
    --- Anne O'Reilly

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