On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 2:14 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  >>> The Kolmogorov complexity of AGI could be relatively low -- maybe it
>> can be expressed in 1000 lines of lisp.
> >> That is not a crazy idea because we know for a fact that in the entire
> human genome there are only 3 billion base pairs. There are 4 bases so each
> base can represent 2 bits, there are 8 bits per byte so that comes out to
> just 750 meg, and that's enough assembly instructions to make not just a
> brain and all its wiring but a entire human baby. So the instructions MUST
> contain wiring instructions such as "wire a neuron up this way and then and
> then repeat that procedure exactly the same way 917 billion times". And
> there is a huge amount of redundancy in the human genome, if you used a
> file compression program like ZIP on that 750 meg you could easily put the
> entire thing on half a CD, not a DVD not a Blu ray just a old fashioned
> steam powered vanilla CD.
>  > But the baby learns a lot as it grows,

And the AI will also learn as it grows . I'm sure Telmo wasn't foolish
enough to suggest that 1000 lines of lisp is all the information a AI would
even need to know, but maybe just maybe it might be enough to form a seed
than could turn into a mind that could learn and grow without limit.

  John K Clark

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