On Fri, Nov 07, 2014 at 06:47:45PM +0100, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 07 Nov 2014, at 11:17, Peter Sas wrote:
> >O.K. so here is a question to which there is perhaps an easy
> >answer... I've been searching the net for an answer, but I can't
> >find one... So please enlighten me!
> >
> >On this forum MWI is probably the most popular interpretation of
> >QM. As Moravec, Bruno Marchal and Tegmark have argued, WMI implies
> >quantum immortality.
> >
> >Perhaps you have already discussed this extensively elsewhere...
> >if so could you please give me the link to that discussion?
> It is a recurrent theme. May be look at "immortality" in the archive
> of the list, but I guess you need to pray a little bit as they are
> huge I'm afraid. It is often shorter to redo a reasoning than to
> find it in the archive, so feel free to ask any question.
> Bruno

At the risk of blowing my own trumpet, might I point out that my book
"Theory of Nothing" is a good starting point, as it is based on the
many discussions we had on this list.

You can also use Google Scholar to track down articles that cite my
book to get updated views, although not too much has been published on



Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
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