Turns out that I do not understand it either.
The pinhole thought experiment should decrease the coherent photons
by a factor of 2 regardless of whether the incoherent photons
are in separate branches or not.
So the result is the same for MWI and wave collapse.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 3:46 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 25 Nov 2014, at 17:54, Richard Ruquist wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> On 24 Nov 2014, at 16:58, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>> On 24 Nov 2014, at 11:35, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 18:11, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>>>> Bruno:  I doubt a photon needs to double his energy to go through two
>>>> slits
>>>> Richard: You should be ashamed
>>>> That's hardly an argument.
>>> Agreed
>>>> Einstein already understood that if the collapse was a physical
>>>> phenomenon, and if special relativity was correct, then locality would make
>>>> a wave possibly collapse on two different eigenvector, like sometimes
>>>> finding literally the photon going in both hole. In that case, the energy
>>>> would be double, and the schroedinger "diffusion" of the wave could be used
>>>> to ... create energy. A quantum perpetual machine could be constructed,
>>>> and, pace George Levy, but following John Clark's quote of Eddington, we
>>>> can stop here ...
>>> Yes. I like Einstein's single pinhole thought experiment the best. The
>>> incident photon spreads in spherical waves beyond the hole from ray optics.
>>> So if waves could carry energy, the energy density would  drop by 1/r^2
>>> where r is distance from the hole.
>>> If we wrap the experiment with a spherical detector sheet, the energy
>>> density incident on the sheet would be a constant across the spherical
>>> sheet and the amount incident on any detector would be a fraction of the
>>> photon energy. So there is not enough energy incident on any detector to
>>> make a photon of the original energy. That's classical thinking and it is
>>> wrong.
>>> With MWI thinking, every detector will detect a photon at the same
>>> energy and frequency as the original photon but in a different world. So
>>> the total energy in the multiverse will locally have increased by the
>>> number of detectors times the photon energy. The only way to conserve
>>> energy is to detect only one photon of the same energy and frequency as the
>>> original photon.
>>> ... or the conservation of energy is something which has to be accounted
>>> in branches, not in the multiverse.
>> Fine as long as the input energy in each branch is normalized by the
>> quantum probabilities
>> No, the conservation of energy is global, and should be statistically
>> verified in the normal (non Harry-Potter-like) branches.
>>> But the collapse is not physical, it belongs to the mind of the people,
>>>> fungible and then differentiated, in the infinite tensor product, which,
>>>> with computationalism, should be a mirror of the fact that we are
>>>> indeterminate on infinitely many sigma_1 sentences, where the ortholattice
>>>> structure is determined by the logic of self-reference.
>>> My opinion is that collapse is what makes objects physical.
>>> That is my opinion too. But the collapse is a psychological phenomenon,
>>> making directly the physical into something psychological.
>> Fine as long the process uses the correct initial conditions for each
>> branch
>> ?
>>> Everything else is just math (and deterministic.) So everything that
>>> could possibly happen can be computed ahead of time in a block 4
>>> dimensional muliverse that I call the Math Space........ With collapse, the
>>> physical space becomes lines in the Math Space. That is not an argument. It
>>> is just how I see reality.
>>> OK.
>>> For a computationalist (who thinks), the collapse is not real, but the
>>>> wave is not real too. It is itself the product of a Moiré effect on all
>>>> computations.
>>> I agree. With computationalism nothing is real except the math. All is
>>> illusion- maya. So comp must have the support of Hinduism and Buddhism.
>>> And christianism before the 5th century, and judaism and Islam, before
>>> the 11th century. The obsession with matter came later. I find this weird,
>>> because there are no evidence for it.
>> I'll take your word for it. So its not in history books?
>> I think it is well known, at least by the scholars. I agree that I am a
>> bit oversimplifying, by lack of time. The fact is that is that until
>> Maimonides, there were as much platonist and aristotelian among the
>> religious people.
>> Religion, in a wide sense, are platonist at the start. What we see is not
>> the real or the whole thing. Thus comes the idea of God, as the reason
>> *behind* what we see, and the idea of science: let us find what really is.
>> But Aristotelianism, which is very natural from the first person view (the
>> brain is programmed to take seriously what we "see"), has made the human
>> forgetting that science (including theology) comes from askeptical attitude
>> with the idea that we are directly related to what we can measure and
>> observe.
>>> I prefer to think that both quantum waves and particles are real, but
>>> that waves are math objects and particles are physical objects. Again that
>>> is not an argument..
>>> My argument is that the block multiverse, if it were to become entirely
>>> physical as MWI poses,
>>> Not necessarily. In fact comp offers a compromise between the idealist
>>> (the quantum describes only information) and many-worlds, by introducing
>>> the idea that reality is the many-dream aspect that arithmetic got when
>>> seen from inside. Of course, both the idealist and the MW are not
>>> satisfied, and in science, we still kill the diplomats.
>> Yes, many-dream arithmetic is part of Math Space
>> I would say that the math space is part of the dream of numbers. Analysis
>> is part of numbers' imagination/simplification.
>>> would require a nearly infinite amount of energy to exist, and more and
>>> more as time goes on. That of course is impossible. So MW reality must be
>>> illusion.
>>> Unless energy is an illusion.
>> Of course, along with matter.
>>> Another way to look at it is that conservation of energy comes from
>>> Noether's time symmetry. But there is no need for time in a block
>>> multiverse. So there is no need for the conservation of energy.
>>> Conservation of energy is still an open problem in computationalist
>>> theology. But the logic of self-reference seems to be capable of explaining
>>> it, by imposing reversibility and linearity at the sigma_1 bottom (the
>>> global indeterminacy domain of the first person).
>>> The alternative is some kind of mathematical  wave collapse to conserve
>>> both energy and quanta, which fortunately results in a unique reality where
>>> time matters.
>>> From the first person point of view.
>> Yes! Each branch that a particular person is following (with wave
>> collapse at every junction) is a unique POV.
>> OK. With apparent wave collapse.
>>> I have suggested that if the wave has BEC entanglement properties, that
>>> collapse may be instantaneous.
>>> Except for being macroscopic state, I am not sure why BEC entanglement
>>> is so special.
>> Experimentally entangled BECs have EPR properties including instant
>> transfer of correlations.
>> So BEC are just macroscopic, but only entanglement is used. Then you know
>> my feeling: I don't believe that the violation of Bell's inequality
>> introduces any instant transfer of correlation. Such instant transfer
>> exists only if we assume that measurement gives unique outcome, which is
>> not the case if there is no collapse.
> This is the crux of our disagreement about the meaning of experimental
> results.
> Consider an pinhole experiment with an Airy pattern (on the detector
> screen in the large number of events limit).
> The central lobe contains 1/2 of the integrated probability and so
> detections will come from there 1/2 of the time.
> If the incoming photons are coherent (in-phase with each other) at least
> 1/2 of the photons coming out of the detector will be coherent and in the
> same world. The remaining photons with random phase are just noise. Without
> instant wave collapse they are even scattered in multiple worlds..
>  With instant wave collapse, all of the photons detected are coherent. due
> to instant entanglement.
> I don't understand. Sorry. If you have a link with the equation, perhaps I
> can figure out what happens.
> Bruno
> That's an easy experiment. We needed the answer to do adaptive optics for
> high power laser transmission to space.
> Richard
>>> But that collapse mechanism uses experiment-derived properties rather
>>> than math for lack of any time dependence.
>>> You can elaborate on this, as I am not sure to follow.
>> The experimental data indicates that the correlations of entangled but
>> separate BECs are transferred faster than detector accuracy. I am willing
>> to assume instant transfer. If so, there is no time dependence- no process
>> that math could predict.  Correlations are of course a holding-place word
>> like entanglement where we lump all properties we cannot explain.
>> Theoretical physics work on black holes concludes that for black holes to
>> communicate classically, the correlations must be monogamous- one on one..
>> That is, all black holes communicate quantum mechanically over
>> Einstein-Rosen ER Bridges. But to communicate classically, that is to talk,
>> you must shrink the area of all ERs to zero (compactification) except one,
>> ER throat area being proportional to entanglement entropy.
>> http://arxiv.org/pdf/1308.0289v1.pdf
>> Hypothesizing that particles may behave like black holes, that explains
>> wave collapse using quantum geometry..
>> arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0405152.pdf
>> I will take a look asap. My current position is that 3p indeterminacy and
>> 3p non-locality do not make much sense. (But then, with comp 3p physics is
>> only an 1p plural subjective construct, and computationalism explains why
>> there must be 1p (plural) indeterminacy, and non-locality, but it is only
>> an effect of perspective, related to our global ignorance of not knowing
>> which computations support us below our substitution level.
>> Bruno
>> Richard Ruquist 20141124
>> www.bostonalarm.com
>>> Bruno
>>> Richard
>>>> Bruno
>>>> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 12:32, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>>>>> Yes, and as the branches multiply, so does the energy.
>>>>> I doubt this, but eventually this will depend on how we define energy.
>>>>> I doubt a photon needs to double his energy to go through two slits, and I
>>>>> doubt Shor algorithm needs energy to handle 10^500 parallel superposition
>>>>> state. Energy is a local relative (gauge) notion, which I am not sure can
>>>>> be easily applied to the whole configuration space, which energy can be 
>>>>> put
>>>>> a zero.
>>>>> Of course with computationalism there is only an arithmetical reality,
>>>>> and all physicalness is a view from inside. All branches of all
>>>>> computations including the one with oracle are run in the arithmetical
>>>>> reality, and it is clear, imo, that energy is only an internal relative
>>>>> notion. Of course we need to justify why the reversible computations win
>>>>> the limit measure "game".
>>>>> Bruno
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 3:52 AM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 21 November 2014 23:07, Richard Ruquist <yann...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It seems, yes. In our branch. But not in the physical reality as a
>>>>>>>> whole, where information and energy are constant, and arbitrary I 
>>>>>>>> would say.
>>>>>>>> Energy is not constant in the MWI multiverse.
>>>>>>> Energy is not constant in a general-relativistic universe.
>>>>>> I believe energy is approximately conserved within a branch of the
>>>>>> multiverse, in the MWI view? The "approximately" being because branches 
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> only approximately defined?
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