

[] On Behalf Of LizR


Seconded (I am allowed to say that, right?)


Of course it isn't just France. And some countries go one step further and 
actively brainwash their citizens from an early age into thinking they are 
wonderful, and thus try to prevent even the possibility of "thoughtcrime".


If only this was just a French phenomenon… and the rest of the world was sane! 
The post 911 US has substantially surrendered itself to a neocon inspired state 
of being in permanent war, a war buttressed by new draconian and sweeping legal 
powers (delivered by in secrecy, in secret courts, by secret judges – In truth 
there is no justice in “secret justice”) We lost our legal protections and 
individual freedoms more than a decade ago with the PATRIOT Act (I & II) 
subsequently reconfirmed and extended – during Obama’s tenure. It is sad for me 
to see this Neocon inspired American nightmare (e.g. our countries  docile 
descent –like slowly boiled frogs – into totalitarianism and a growing adoption 
of an Orwellian mindset) so enthusiastically embraced in Western Europe.

But also in Australia and Canada as well. I don’t know about NZ, hopefully for 
you this totalitarian cultural disease has not infected your society to the 
extent it has infected the US and the EU. 

The water is getting rather hot.. said one frog to the other…. Then they went 
back to watching the game… 



P.S. Speaking of watching the game… Go Seahawks!


On 18 January 2015 at 17:06, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List 
<> wrote:

It is sad to see, for France has such a heritage, but it seems there is 
diminishing actual functioning Free Speech rights in France; when scores of 
people are getting arrested and thrown into jail for unpopular free speech, 
which in France has now become the new Orwellian thought crime of “supporting 

Either Free Speech applies to all; or it does not apply. If unpopular – and 
even repugnant -- free speech is punished with long jail terms; then the state 
sanctioned mechanisms are in place for destroying effective right of free 
speech, which soon becomes free only when it reflects the desire of those who 


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