Basically you yourself are merely a fascist seeking to pimp the party line. 
Your billionaires, your totalitarians, your ant-democratic philosophy. The 
fascism statement is fact because so many billionaires own and operate the Dem 
party and that economically speaking, is plutocracy, oligarchy, and in essence 
a want to be dictatorship. Your self satisfied mixture of Nazism and communism, 
is actually something that was seen in Argentina under Juan Peron, where both 
former Nazis and commies supported the dude. You seem to carry the water for 
the late, great, El Presidente, philosophically, and this is no surprise for 
me. The Tea baggers oppose and are opposed by the US Chamber of Commerce, and 
its corporate minions, unlike your fascist party where all is lost and all is 
astro-turf. Based on the 2014 elections, do you think the Party will be holding 
on to power? I mean, from a sweep in 2012, to a sweep out in 2014, what 
happened? Golly! 
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 1:40 pm
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

If your insult doesn't get your target riled up its a poor usage of language 
and a poor understanding of political psychology, after perusing your words. If 
I were a progressive, I would look at your wording (if you were identified as a 
conservative) and say, "look at this Classist scumbag whose divisiveness and 
his bragging about how superior he is! Superiority, hmm! This Chris guy must be 
a neonazi. Heh! I mean Washington state is one of the whitest places in the 
nation! And, remember, not so long ago, that is where the neonazi Das Reich 
terrorists came from, and they robbed banks and killed that radio show host in 
Denver. He must be a freak'in loon. Love of state, yep, a hitlerite for sure. 
Also, Washington is near Idaho where they had the Aryan Nations!" ? Also he 
works for a global corporation, which is one of the oligarchy (This accusation 
is probably not wrong). That proves it!  The anti-immigrant thing is inaccurate 
(not that it matters to proggies).  This is the kind of junk you do and your 
side does, but yeah, its fun ain't it?? 

Statistically the very red areas of the country with the strongest Tea bag 
(e.g. American Fascist Party) affiliation are on average  net recipients of 
federal money – e.g. their economies depend on Federal government largesse. 
Interestingly the blue areas of our country (the more democratic leaning and 
liberal thinking areas) are on average net contributors to the federal 
government. It is many millions of people, primarily from blue parts of the 
country, like me who are mostly paying the bills of this country. The Teabagger 
parts of this country, meanwhile are often sucking at the teat of the federal 
government…. Living off of government checks, their moribund lackluster 
economies supported by federal tax dollar transfers into their depressed 
You Tea Party folks are a bunch of obnoxious whiners! Angry at the everyone 
else, blaming others for your problems. You all need to shut up and get into a 
12 step program.

The xenophobe thing is absolutely wrong (not that it matters to you) since my 
focus is primarily murderous Islamists, as opposed to murderous Episcopalians. 
Actually, progressives are a greater threat to the US, then Muslim Radicals, 
because you guys defend them, no matter what, and seek to empower them, which 
is what progressives do. I mean, I am not attempting to persuade you of your 
error, because, who gives a fuck? But I don't like your specious 
multiculturalist creepiness to go unchallenged on this email list. Its failed 
everywhere its been tried, as nearly all of the liberal crap has. 

You rail against the identifiable other that your Party Patriarchs have 
instructed you to yell at… like the good tool you are!


-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 18, 2015 11:06 
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?





Yeah they might indeed be 'americanized' so to speak, or it might be that you 
simply don't care whether they eventually start bombing and shooting when 
things seem right to them to do so. 


So says the unemployable, angry tea party, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, redneck 
who could not afford to live in a converted garage in the city where I live. 



As to your economic analysis, you mean after 6 years Seattle is all that's 
pulling the Obama economy from sliding back down into recession-ville? Man, 
that is some strong bud you are imbibing.


We have some of the strongest world beating companies headquartered and 
operating out of here. And zero almost unemployment in the tech sector. And 
yeah, Washington state also has the best legal bud in the world and a happening 
music and arts scene. What does your rust belt has-been, industrially decaying, 
backwater have going for it?


But your statements indicate to me a narcissistic mentality that believes after 
you get done damaging the old US, you, somehow, will be the last stalinoid 
standing. Fascinating that. Good luck. 


It is lazy self-absorbed angry idiots like you who have been dragging this 
country down with your low productivity, abyssimal skill sets and all around 
ignorance. The state of Washington (like most blue states and areas) is a net 
tax contributor to the federal government (and to the US economy. If bitter 
angry white male losers like you would instead of blaming others for “stealing 
your jobs” instead take some actual responsibility for yourselves and learn new 
skills in life – skills that are in demand – then you might have a little more 
luck yourself. Your kind always preaches using the language of personal 
responsibility, but I bet you blame others for your poor socio-economic status 
and low personal achievement.

I am sure somehow this also must be the fault of those Islamic devils. Typical 
hypocrisy, easier to blame others for one’s ills and short comings. 

All of this would just be your business, but your psychopathic love affair with 
an existential clash of civilizations makes you impossible to ignore, which – 
believe me -- would be my preference.





-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 18, 2015 2:29 pm
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?





Yah, could be. I was just strumming through the news when I hit this item, and 
it made me think of adding it to our discussion here.


Sikh's mix in, Hindu's mix in, Buddhists and Daoists mix in, Jews and Atheists, 
all mix in (Jews funded and fought in th 1776 revo-a conspiracy?) and so forth 
and Deists, and Agnostics, and Platonists, and so forth. Why not the Muslims? I 
have pointed out one answer. But its not something you can live with. Alas or 

Muslims, mix in fine in the state of Washington. They are my colleagues – 
highly educated software engineers – working along-side other programmers and 
technology workers from all ethnicities and religious backgrounds in the 
globally significant high technology cluster in the Seattle metro area. They 
are my neighbors, along with all the other diverse technology immigrant 
communities that now live here. My city… my metro area in this American 
continent, is one of the engines that keeps our country from sinking down into 
economic collapse, decline and historical irrelevance. There are communities 
from every part of the earth, living side by side and thriving here… and the 
collective energy and brilliance of this technology-cluster diaspora is the 
secret sauce that makes this world class technology cluster engine possible.

You live somewhere in the American rust belt… in a declining industrial 
has-been-heartland.. a hollowed out husk of the former glory days. Is this what 
drives your bitterness?


-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 18, 2015 1:27 pm
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?





Because its not part of the party line is why. It's the ideology of progies to 
enable the jihad attacks against the west, perhaps so as to winnow down the 
forces of resistance, via Islamist attacks, and thus, get the party worldwide 
into power, placed their by beleaguered votes? Paranoid indeed, but it kind of 
makes sense. 


Yes, very paranoid indeed… and yes, of course it would make “sense” to you; due 
to your own existential lock-in into your paranoid delusional world views. 




I observe a empirical fact, Muslims behave like homicidal imbeciles when their 
religion is insulted, but Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhist do 
not.Why the difference? It is a perfectly legitimate question. 


  John K Clark




-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 17, 2015 4:31 pm
Subject: Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:33 PM, PGC <> wrote:

>> A fair question.  

>I'm not so sure about that. The question presupposes ironically that violence 
>is a justified response to insult.


I observe a empirical fact, Muslims behave like homicidal imbeciles when their 
religion is insulted, but Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhist do 
not.Why the difference? It is a perfectly legitimate question. 


  John K Clark






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