On Mon, Jan 19, 2015  chris peck <chris_peck...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe the Onion cartoon didn't set anyone off,

It set nobody off even though the Hindi God Ganesha was in it, Jesus was in
it, Moses was in it,  Buddha was in it and they were all fucking each
other. It set nobody off for one reason and one reason only, Muhammad was
NOT in it.

> > but it just isn't true that these three Algerians are the only people
> who behave psychotically in the face of free speech.

Golly, I though this was the first time something like that had ever

> > Clarke's question isn't a fair one.

Perhaps not, but Clark's question was.

> A fair question would be to ask why these three men turned psychotic over
> a cartoon.

And a fair answer would be they turned psychotic because they believed in a
psychotic religion.

> > Why did these three Algerians turn psychotic?

And the reason they believed in a psychotic religion was that there mommy
and daddy believed in a psychotic religion.

>  > But we can look at the history of Algeria and France, and [blah blah]

All religions have had atrocities committed against them at some point in
their history, certainly the Jews have, and yet although the Onion cartoon
insulted their religion it didn't turn a single Jew into a imbecilic
murderer. Cartons only have that effect on Muslims. What explains that
phenomenon? I think it's because all religions are imbecilic and toxic but
some religions are more imbecilic and toxic than others.

> > as it turns out the conquest and subjugation of the Algerian people was
> exceptionally brutal.

No doubt, but was it more brutal than the Jewish Holocaust? I don't think
so, but it wouldn't change anything even if it was because it would just
explain why they were imbecilic and murderous, but it wouldn't make them
one bit less imbecilic and murderous.

 John K Clark


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