On 3/5/2015 7:14 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 04 Mar 2015, at 21:32, meekerdb wrote:

On 3/4/2015 7:51 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
If we are in a simulated world, we are in all simulated world, some normal, or some "perverse bostromian" (made by our normal descendents who would like to fake our reality). We can test computationalism V perverse bostromism, if you want.

Why should that be true. We weren't in this simulated world for the fire 13.8e9yrs. Are you saying it's impossible to create/simulate a world without Bruno Marchal in it?

Yes. It follows from our having infinity of virtual bodies in arithmetic.

?? How does it follow?

If you simulate Bruno Marchal + "the real world/physical laws": you will fail to entangle his first person experience with yours (outside the simulation).

So what?  The simulated Bruno need only be entangled with things in the 
simulated world.

But the question was not whether you could simulate Bruno Marchal without entangling him in the outside (real?) world. The question was whether you could create a simulated world that did not contain Bruno Marchal. If it's possible to simulate a world at all, it should be possible to simulate this world as it existed a billion years ago or a 100yrs ago - when there was no Bruno Marchal.


From its perspective he is as much in the simulated world than it is not.

If you simulate Bruno Marchal + "some fake world": Bruno Marchal will soon or later be able to discover it, at least IF Bruno Marchal bet on computationalism.

Of course, if each time Bruno Marchal see that it belongs in a simulation, you can correct it or change his mind. But you will need to do that infinitely often, or make BM into someone mad, or something like that. (But then you are no more simulating him). In that case, doing that infinite work, you can fail him.

To test if we are in a simulation, assuming comp, it is necessary and sufficient to compare the physics extracted from comp, with the physics allowed by observation.


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