On 18 Apr 2015, at 04:45, meekerdb wrote:

On 4/17/2015 12:37 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 16 Apr 2015, at 21:54, meekerdb wrote:

On 4/16/2015 1:36 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
So consciousness is not 1-duplicable, but can be considered as having been duplicated in some 3-1-view, even before it diverges.

How can it be considered duplicated before it diverges?

By associating it with different token of the machinery implementing it.

Are you assuming consciousness is physical and so having different spacetime location can distinguish two otherwise indiscernible set of thoughts?

No, it can't, in the 1-view, but it can in the 3-1 view. OK?

I'm not sure what 3-1 view means,

It is the content of the diary of the observer outside the box (like in sane04), but on the consciousness of the copies involved. This is for the people who say that they will be conscious in W and M. That is true, but the "pure" 1-view is that they will be conscious in only one city (even if that happens in both cities).

In the math part, this is captured by [1][0]A, with [0]A = the usual bewesibar of Gödel, and [1]A = [0]A & A (Theaetetus).

but if you mean in the sense of running on two different machines then I agree.


That means duplication of consciousness/computation depends on distinguishability of the physical substrate with no distinction in the consciousness/computation.

OK. Like when the guy has already been multiplied in W and M, but has not yet open the door. We assume of course that the two boxes are identical from inside, no windows, and the air molecules at the same place (for example). That can be made absolutely identical in the step 6, where the reconstitutions are made in a virtual environment.

But is that the duplication envisioned in the M-W thought experiment?

Yes, at different steps.

I find I'm confused about that. In our quantum-mechanical world it is impossible to duplicate something in an unknown state. One could duplicate a human being in the rough classical sense of structure at the molecular composition level, but not the molecular states. Such duplicates would be similar as I'm similar to myself of yesterday - but they would instantly diverge in thoughts, even without seeing Moscow or Washington.

In practice, yes. Assuming the duplication is done in a real world, and assuming QM. But in step six, you can manage the environments to be themselves perfectly emulated and 100% identical. That is all what is needed for the reasoning.

Yet it seems Bruno's argument is based on deterministic computation

At my substitution level. But this will entail that the real world, whatever it can be, is non deterministic. We "WM" duplicate on all the different computations in the UD* (in arithmetic) which go through my local current state.

and requires the duplication and subsequent thoughts to be duplicates at a deterministic classcial level so that the M-man and W-man on diverge in thought when they see different things in their respective cities.

Yes. That is why the H-man cannot predict which divergence he will live. But sometimes we mention the state of the person before he or she open the doors, for example to address a question like "would a tiny oxygen atom in the box makes a difference in the measure or not", Here there is almost a matter of convention to say that there are two or one consciousness. We can ascribe consciousness to the different people in the different box, but that is a 3-1 view. The 1-views feels to be in once city, and not in the other.

No, things like radioactive decay of K40 atoms is the blood will very quickly cause the W-man and M-man to diverge no matter how precisely the duplicate recievers are made.

I agree.

But I'm not sure why this would matter to your argument? Is it important to the argument that they diverge *only* because of a difference in perception?

Normally they should diverge, if they have a different future (despite having the same perception before the divergence), by the rule Y = II. But it is an open problem, and I use the self-reference logic to go around that problem, and to avoid question like that. I will think about finding a thought experience which leads to different answers for the probability if we accept or not the Y = II. I have some in my note, but I have not really the time now. (The deadline for my paper is Monday, but I have my course today, + some paper to review, also. In few days I will have more time). It is not very important for the present thread----we have discussed this a long time ago: as long as the perception is identical, you can fuse the person again, and I want to avoid something like making the measure dependent of the diameter of the neuron axons).



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