Yes, I see. And there are strange effects, like "unidirectional quantum 
Difficult (for me) to understand this a-symmetric non-locality in terms of MWI.

----Messaggio originale----

Da: 'scerir' via Everything List <>

Data: 18/04/2016 11.20

A: <>

Ogg: R: Re: Non-locality and MWI

Jesse wrote:I don't think this is how it's supposed to work for those who argue 
the MWI is local like Deutsch. Rather the idea is that "splitting" into worlds 
is local, not global; so one experimenter locally splits into copies that see 
|+> and |-> when they measure their particle, likewise the other experimenter 
splits into copies that saw |+'> and |-'>. But until their future light cones 
overlap there are no "worlds" containing facts about what *both* experimenters 
In a Franson interferometer, two (time-energy entangled photons) travel in 
opposite directions from an EPR source. Each photon then enters an *imbalanced* 
Mach-Zehnder interferometer (such that there is
no single-photon interference in each Mach-Zehnder interferometer). 
Detectors measure the outputs of the two identical imbalanced Mach-Zehnder 
interferometers and the
coincidences between the detectors are recorded, showing there is a *two-photon*
interference, that is to say the two entangled potons follow the *same* path
in each (space-like separated) interferometer. A sign of non-locality 
(non-separability) in the "usual"
I'm trying to figure out how all that works in a *local* MWI ......


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