On 26 Jun 2017, at 19:23, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 1:57 AM, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au > wrote:

​> ​I've started with a different set of metaphysical assumptions,​ ​namely that we live in a Multiverse,

​Do you assume the number of universes are ​denumerable​? ​

​> ​and that observer moments are​ ​drawn from a much more general measure than classical probability​ ​theory allows.

​Infinite sets can cause problems with probability even if you can count the elements, and if you can't it certainly doesn't help.

On the infinite enumerable set, you might need to relinquish the additivity axiom, or to use local relations (like with the prime number theory).

But on the non enumerable sets, (Like R, C) probabilities and measure have nice theories, like the theories of Riemann, Lebesgue, or the Haar measure on the Lie groups.

If you stab the number line at random with an infinitely sharp needle your chances of hitting a rational number, or even a computable number, are zero even though there are a infinite number of them. ​

That is why we define the measure space by forbidding the infinite intersection of interval or open sets, which can lead to points. We allow infinite unions. In the iterated duplication, or any Bernouilli experience, the probabilities of "successes" are given by the binomial coefficients, but with big numbers the continuous Gaussian e^(- x2), conveniently renormalized, simplifies the life of the statistician.

From a logician perspective, and assuming computationalism, the infinities are sort of oversimplifications made by the finite things/ minds trying to understand the finite things/minds. Anyway, with Mechanism, it is easier to classified them as epistemological, and that is why the ontology is given by Robinson Arithmetic, and the phenomenology by what will concern the "observer" PA (Peano Arithmetic) which is emulated by Robinson Arithmetic (and thus emulated in all models, even those with a biggest prime!).


 John K Clark

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