On 28/11/2017 11:17 am, Russell Standish wrote:
On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 03:57:37PM -0500, John Clark wrote:
  <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​
Your source is fact-challenged. Weinberg thinks MULTIVERSE may have merit,
but NOT the MWI,

​Then give me some facts! Where does Weinberg say that? And how can you
have a multiverse without many worlds or many worlds without a multiverse? ​
Alan deliberately uses the term "Multiverse" to refer to the string
landscape. Note this usage contravenes the usage of Multiverse by
everybody else here, which normally is as David Deutsch originally intended by
the term, the multiple universes of the MWI, or sometimes even more
generally as any of the Tegmarkian ensembles.

Alan, please bear that in mind, and qualify your statement with string
landscape or similar to indicate you are using the term differently to everybody
else on this list, and prevent these sorts of stupid confusions.

I think this is non-standard usage. De Witt introduced the term "many worlds" for the Everettian relative states. That has stuck almost universally. "Multiverse" is used to denote the multiple universes of eternal inflation, the string theory landscape, or Tegmark's "all mathematical structures". If the usage is different on this list, then it is non standard -- just as non-standard as Deutsch's understanding of MWI.


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