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  On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 9:12 AM, Bruno Marchal<> wrote:   

On 12 Jan 2018, at 20:48, K E N O <> wrote:
Nice! Can you imagine something totally useless as an application of AI? What 
would you creative if you just wanted to have fun with AI?

Are you suggesting that fun is useless? 
I can agree that the idea that fun has some use is not much funny, but that 
does not make it false.
“Useful” is quite relative, also. Flies have no use of spider webs.
Lol... no they do not, but spiders have a use for flies. Usefulness is a 
paradox. A deadly poison can be useful, not only to kill, but often as a life 
saving medicine. Many people who are alive today are alive because they were 
poisoned with medically calibrated doses.As you said "useful" is a highly 
subjective and relative term. It is shall we say highly entangled with the 
subject and the object. It is hard to speak of "usefulness", in fact without 
making reference to some relative and/or subjective highly entangled context.


Am 12.01.2018 um 14:43 schrieb Telmo Menezes <>:
Hi Lara,

My view is that, as with all scientific theories and technologies, AI
is morally neutral. it has the potential for both extremely good and
extremely nasty practical applications. That being said, the unusual
thing about AI is that it has the potential to generate *something
that replaces us*. Some people say that it could happen in the next
few decades, some people say that it will never happen. I don't think
anyone knows.

Leaving that more crazy question aside, and focusing on your question
in relation to what can be done with AI right now: I think that the
negativity that currently surrounds the technology says more about our
species and our moment in culture than AI itself. You ask for positive
AI goals:

- Assisting and replacing health-care professionals, making
health-care cheaper for everyone and more widely available to people
in poor and remote regions;
- Enabling advanced prosthetics: assisting people with sensory
impairments, mitigating the consequences of ageing and so on;
- Freeing us from labor, taking care of relatively simple and
repetitive tasks such as growing food, collecting trash etc.
- Self-driving cars can be great: they can reduce risk (traveling by
car is one of the most dangerous means of transportation) and they can
help the environment. If I can call a car from a pool of available
cars to come pick me and drive me somewhere, a much more rational use
of resources can be achieved and cities can become more livable
(instead of being cluttered with cars that are parked most of the
- Assisting scientific research, proving theorems, generating theories
from data that are too counter-intuitive for humans (a bit of
- AI can be used to solve problems quite creatively, check this out:;
- Personal assistants, but not the kind that are connected to some
centralized corporate brain -- the kind that really works for you
- etc, etc etc

It is true that most funding currently goes towards three goals:
- How to make you see more ads and buy more stuff;
- How to let those in powers know more about what everyone is
doing/saying/thinking in private, so that they can have even more
- How to build weapons with it.

This is our usual human stupidity at work. Stupidity tends to be
self-destructive. I think the entire advertisement angle is already
showing signs of collapse. There is hope. Focus on the first list.


On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 10:00 AM, Lara <> wrote:

Dear Everything,

I have been working on my bachelor project with the topic Artificial
Intelligence. Even though I have decided I want to create an AI-something to
support an everyday activity, I am lost. I have done a lot of research and
most of the time I am very critical: A lot of negative power is given to
algorithms (like those big data algorithms deciding what we see online),
some inventions could be very dangerous (self-driving cars) and most of the
time inventions could be cool, if we ignored the evil people behind them.
But for my bachelor I want to create a positive AI-thing for everyday life
(with a prototype).

Maybe some of you have a good idea, a direction or just a thought for me to
get further with my project. Is there even a point in positive AI?

Thank you!


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