Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 4:58 PM, Bruno Marchal<> wrote:   

On 19 Jan 2018, at 06:22, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List 
<> wrote:

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Bruno Marchal<> wrote:

On 17 Jan 2018, at 21:12, Brent Meeker <> wrote:

On 1/17/2018 12:57 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 16 Jan 2018, at 14:29, K E N O <> wrote:

Oh, no! As an media art student, I don’t believe in strict rules oft usefulness 
(of course!). It was a rather suggestive or maybe even sarcastic approach to 
get unusual thoughts from everything.Maybe I should rephrase my question: What 
is the craziest AI application you can think of?

A long time ago, when “AI” was just an object of mockery, I saw a public 
challenge, and the winner was a proposition to make a tiny robot that you place 
on your head, capable of cutting the hairs "au fur et à mesure”.
“AI” is a terrible naming term. “Artificial” is itself a very artificial term. 
It illustrates the human super-ego character. When machines will be really 
intelligent, they will ask for having better users, and social security. When 
they will be as clever as us, they will do war and demolish the planet, I guess.
Minski is right. We can be happy if tomorrow the machine will have humans as 
pets …
There is also a confusion between competence and intelligence. With higher 
competences we become more efficacious in doing our usual stupidities ...

So do you think that competence entails intelligence which entails 

Competence makes intelligence sleepy. And intelligence requires consciousness.
It is a bit like:
Consciousness ==> intelligence ==> competence ==> stupidity

There have been recent discoveries about sleep in animals.  Apparently ALL 
animals need sleep, even jellyfish.  But, there is no really good theory of 
why.  I wonder if your theory can throw any light on this?  I don't think 
there's anything analogous for computers...but maybe if they were intelligent 
and interacted with their environment they would be.

I can only speculate here. Sleep might be needed to “reconstruct the dekstop” 
or something. My older computer makes a 5m nap every 20 minutes! In higher 
mammals, I think that sleep allows dreams, which allows some training of the 
mind, (re)evaluation of past events, etc. But sleep remains still very 
mysterious. Maybe it is the time to get back to heaven, but then we can’t 
remember it, … Don’t take this not too much seriously.

One effect of sleep is that apparently, during the quiescence of sleep neurons, 
and many kinds of glial cells as well (if I recall) shrink somewhat in size. 
This opens up trillions of capillary interstitial passages, a hyper fine 
grained capillary network through which toxins can be flushed out and carried 
off from the brain. An interesting mechanism for the last-mile (metaphorically 
speaking) nanoscale trash collection that is vital to long term viability of a 
complex highly metabolizing organ such as a brain. Sleep enables the flushing 
out of toxic by-products from the vast 3D densely packed hot spot of cellular 
metabolism comprising neural tissue.


Sleep probably serves multiple and also orthogonal functions in animals.I agree 
as well, that on some levels it is a deep mystery.

It is death training, perhaps, also.
  Interesting speculation, there... One could say that,  deep sleep is the 
little death, we die each night.
 Pure, unadulterated speculation here: Deep sleep could be the unquestioned and 
accepted by us, time window for an unknown occult process (unsensed by us, or 
by our own sense of continuity and being), a nightly subtle, re-programming of 
our own mind's source code, by unseen operators (or their intelligent agents), 
who do so for some unknown reason... and with unknown effort. It could be a 
simple act or wish, resulting in a cascade of consequences and intermediated 
directed outcomes. Damn, I sure hope not, though...   :)-Chris
 Or the building of the illusion we could not be, to build some sense of life, 
the amnesia of other life, to get an identity and preserve it against the 
prey—nature argument per authority ? I am thinking aloud …



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