On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 7:33:06 PM UTC, Brent wrote:
> On 5/23/2018 11:48 PM, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 6:02:30 AM UTC, Brent wrote: 
>> On 5/23/2018 10:37 PM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 4:53:29 AM UTC, Brent wrote: 
>>> On 5/23/2018 9:43 PM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> On Thursday, May 24, 2018 at 4:28:58 AM UTC, Brent wrote: 
>>>> On 5/23/2018 9:17 PM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> In the MWI interpretation there is no reason to preference one over the 
>>>>> other with the honorific of "exists".  They are just projective subspaces 
>>>>> that are essentially (FAPP) orthogonal to one another. 
>>>> I can buy that, although tentatively, with difficulty, until I see the 
>>>> mathematics which demonstrates it. AG
>>>>> Each one includes copies of the system, the environment, and the 
>>>>> observer(s) which is necessary so that it constitute a classical "world" 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> which everyone agrees on the result.
>>>> This I absolutely CANNOT buy, as I have explained numerous times. 
>>>> Cannot decoherence and the MWI have descriptive value without all of this 
>>>> COPYING being assumed, which I find outlandish? Would it be fatal to any 
>>>> of 
>>>> these concepts to affirm that the entanglements which occur in these 
>>>> subspaces are equivalent to measurements in these subspaces? AG
>>>> It's fine if you just assume the other subspaces vanish as far as doing 
>>>> physics.  Metaphysically it's problematic because you've used a certain 
>>>> theory up to that point which predicts that all the subspaces are equally 
>>>> real (and may be more probable than the one you experience) and there are 
>>>> copies of you and your lab etc which are equally real and now you're going 
>>>> to stop using that theory which was so amazingly successful...why?
>>>> Brent
>>> The other subspaces don't vanish. They continue to exist and all 
>>> possible measurements are in fact measured according to my proposal. But 
>>> the subspace in which the observer exists seems apriori different and more 
>>> significant in terms of physical reality; it's the environment in which all 
>>> entanglements of all subspaces come into being. 
>>> The entanglements coming into being is what makes the subspaces become 
>>> orthogonal and become separate "worlds".  The entanglements are different 
>>> (in detail) in each different subspace reflecting the fact that they are 
>>> correlated with a different result.
>> Yes, I am imagining a different result in each subspace. AG 
>>> It seems metaphysically problematic to give all subspaces the same 
>>> existential status, when only one provides the environment for all 
>>> entanglements for all subspaces. AG  
>>> I don't know what entanglements you're talking about.  The system 
>>> measured has different entanglements with the different environments and 
>>> observers in the different "worlds".  There is no privileged world which 
>>> provides a privileged environment and observer. 
>> I am imagining a superposition of states, and when the measurement 
>> occurs, each component of the superposition becomes entangled with the 
>> environment in this world, the world in which the measuring device exists. 
>> Then, somehow, the subspaces become orthogonal FAPP. AG 
>> No, it's the interaction, the entangling of different results with the 
>> environment, that makes the subspaces  orthogonal. 
> That's what I assumed; that the entanglement for each subspace causes the 
> orthogonality (though I can't imagine how that would come about). 
> If you look at the mathematics of the total (system+environment+observer) 
> density matrix, the off-diagonal terms have products of wf terms from the 
> system and environment.  The environment wf are of course unknown, so one 
> averages over them by taking the trace over them.  This makes the cross 
> terms for the reduce density matrix (that of the system) go to zero, so now 
> it is *formally* the same as the probability matrix for a set of 
> classical states.  As Bruce points out this "taking the trace" is a 
> non-unitary operation that is equivalent to applying a projection operator, 
> as in the Copenhagen interpretation.  Which is why I say decoherence only 
> gets you part way to solving the measurement problem.  It has a mechanism 
> and a statistical rationale, but it still takes a little jump to get to the 
> classical definite result.
> Isn't "the environment" the this-world environment, the measuring device 
> in this world? Isn't it this entanglement that destroys the interference 
> FAPP with the other components of the superposition in this world, which 
> might be what the Bucky Ball experiment establishes? What are you objecting 
> to? AG
> That there is a unique "this world".  I use use "world" (with the scare 
> quotes) to indicate a coherent, quasi-classical world where observers don't 
> see superpositions of alive and dead cats.  The measuring device and the 
> environment is in all the "worlds", one for each measurement result.
> I happened across a very good book that discusses these questions well 
> without mathematics, "Mind, Brain, and the Quantum" by Michael Lockwood.  
> It's a philosophy book about epistemology and consciousness and discusses a 
> lot more about the brain and it's function. But is has a couple of chapters 
> on the quantum measurement problem.  It says the same thing Bruce and I 
> have been saying except Lockwood looks at what I've been calling "worlds" 
> (per the usual MWI terminology) as macroscopic states which exist in 
> superposition in one world (which is usually called the universe or 
> multi-verse), the superpositions just happen to be orthogonal (FAPP) and so 
> don't interfere.
> Brent
> The result is in effect encoded all through the subspace, that's why 
>> different people in that "world" can agree on what happened; that's what 
>> makes it a (quasi) classical world where people don't see superpositions of 
>> measurement results.
>> Brent
Would it be consistent with decoherence theory to say that each component 
of a superposition gets entangled with the environment defined by the lab / 
instrument in which an experiment is performed -- what I have been calling 
"this world" -- and the other branches, one for each of the remaining 
eigenstates -- are mutually orthogonal, and orthogonal to the subspace in 
"this world"?  I am positing a model wherein every outcome is realized, but 
only one outcome is associated with the lab / instrument; the other 
outcomes or measurements occur without needing a measuring device -- like 
those Bucky Balls didn't need to be measured by any device to lose their 
interference. AG

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