On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 6:17 PM, <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> If a "macro object" is something big enough to be seen with the naked eye
>> then you've already been proven wrong. A drum .03 millimeters across made
>> up of trillions of atoms was put into a Schrodinger Cat state back in 2010,
>> it was both vibrating and not vibrating.
>> https://www.nature.com/news/2010/100317/full/news.2010.130.html
> *​>​If you go back to some of my earlier comments, I explicitly stated
> that there is a small class of macro objects that CAN be put in
> superpositions,*

That class is NOT small because something is always entangled with
something; you should look at the "Wigner's Friend" thought experiment.
When I open the box I become entangled with Schrodinger's Cat and know  if
it is alive or dead (Everett would say I now know it is alive AND dead) but
you are in another room behind a closed door so you are not entangled with
me and still don’t know what the cat’s fate is. When you open the door and
hear me report on the status of the cat you become entangled with me and
because I’m entangled with the cat now so are you.

​>* ​*
> *In the experiment described in your link, the interference effect of the
> superposition required cooling the object to nearly absolute zero, 0.5 deg
> K.*

​​Making things cold decreases the ability of objects to become entangled
it does not increase it. At room temperature so many things become
entangled from so many different pathways and they do it so quickly that
experiments become impractical. The colder things get the more control you
have and the easier it is to figure out what’s going on. For the
experimenter the hard part is not getting things to become entangled but to
reduce the number of entanglements to a reasonable number so it can be

​> *​*
> *We need to carefully revisit the issue of superposition and what it
> implies for quantum effects to be manifested, before we can conclude
> anything firm about the experiment you cite.*

Physicists have been thinking about this for 90 years and there is still no
consensus, the only thing they agree on is there is no quantum
interpretation that is consistent with both the experimental facts and our
intuitive feeling about everyday reality. Something weird is definitely
going on.

​ John K Clark​

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