From: *Jason Resch* < <>>

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 6:12 PM Bruce Kellett < <>> wrote:

    From: *Jason Resch* <

    On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 12:29 AM, Bruce Kellett
    < <>> wrote:

        From: *Jason Resch* <

        On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 12:13 AM, Brent Meeker
        < <>> wrote:

            ?? Quantum computers cannot calculate anything more than
            classical computers. There are some algorithms that
            allow a QC to calculate something faster; but the domain
            and range is the same.

            So absent that reason does it follow that the wave
            function is merely a convenient (and very accurate) tool?

        Tool for what? Predicting probabilities of finally measured

        What then can we say about the intermediate values and the
        computation itself?  Does it exist and happen, or does the
        final result merely materialize magically like the live or
        dead cat?

        Does the spot on the screen behind two slits materialize
        magically? Or arise as a consequence of the interference in
        the one world?

        In many-worlds, all possible screen spots occur in different
        worlds. But the separation into distinct worlds happens only
        on decoherence at the screen -- the interference all happens
        in the original single world.

    What is the photon in each world interfering with?

    It's a wave, so it's interfering with itself. Just like water or
    sound waves.

You are saying "a photon is a wave" as if that is an explanation and to avoid the main point.  If a photon is a wave, and it is interfering with other waves, then in other words, it's interfering with other photons.

No, it is interfering with itself. Don't be mislead by the water/sound wave analogy.

On that we agree.  But where did those other photons come from? How did they get to be in different positions going in different directions?

They aren't.

Why do these "waves" (photons) behave in all the same ways as photons, they reflect off mirrors, pass through strained glass (only if the glass is the same color as the photon), are blocked by opaque objects, travel at c, etc?

Ah, the mysteries of quantum physics. Photons do not have a purely classical description. Get used to it.

It's many shadow partners in other worlds.  World is a confusing term unless we define it.

I agree. Frequently, many-worlders follow Deutsch and have a schizophrenic attitude to "worlds" -- they are either any component of any possible superposition, or the semi-classical endpoint of the process of decoherence. In the first case, "worlds", as components of a superposition, can interfere. In the second case, worlds are effectively orthogonal and cannot interfere. Equivocating between these meanings causes endless confusion -- and idiot physics.

I always use the term "world" in the second sense, so worlds are orthogonal and cannot interfere.

We might also say the system of the photon is in many states, while the rest of the system (us, the screen) remain in one state, until we interact with the many-state photon system.  So in that sense, you could argue the screen and us are in one world until the decoherence. But the system of the photons can't properly be described as any singe photon system.

Because the photon is a wave. The attempt to eliminate waves or fields from physics in favour of a purely particle ontology failed. Feynman was most disappointed by this, but if you think you can do better than Feynman.........

"Newton thought that light was made up of particles--he called them "corpuscles"--and he was right. We know that light is made of particles because we can take a very sensitive instrument that makes clicks when light shines on it, and if the light gets dimmer, the clicks remain just as loud--there are just fewer of them. [...] I want to emphasize that light comes in this form--particles. It is very important to know that light behaves like particles, especially for those of you who have to gone to school, where you were probably told something about light behaving like waves. I'm telling you the way it /does/ behave--like particles. You might say that it's just the photomultiplier that detects light as particles, but no, every instrument that has been designed to be sensitive enough to detect weak light has always ended up discovering the same thing: light is made of particles." -- Richard Feynman

Feynman was wrong when he wrote this. Even he eventually saw that this was wrong -- it couldn't be made to work.


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