> On 29 Aug 2018, at 02:30, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 2:19:40 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 27 Aug 2018, at 19:54, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
>> On Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 1:11:47 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 25 Aug 2018, at 01:15, agrays...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>>> On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 12:25:03 PM UTC, telmo_menezes wrote:
>>> On 23 August 2018 at 06:31,  <agrays...@gmail.com <>> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > On Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 2:01:24 AM UTC, Jason wrote: 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 4:43 PM <agrays...@gmail.com <>> wrote: 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> On Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 3:22:04 PM UTC, Jason wrote: 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 1:16 AM <agrays...@gmail.com <>> wrote: 
>>> >>>>> 
>>> >>>>> I've been looking at the Wiki article on this topic. I find that I 
>>> >>>>> really don't understand what it is, or why it's important. Maybe a 
>>> >>>>> few 
>>> >>>>> succinct words from the usual suspects can be of help. TIA. 
>>> >>>>> 
>>> >>>>> 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> Bruno provided a great definition and background of the Church-Turing 
>>> >>>> Thesis. I will try to answer why it is important and comes up often in 
>>> >>>> our 
>>> >>>> discussion. 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> The Church-Turing thesis says that anything that is computable is 
>>> >>>> computable by any computer.  In other words, there is nothing that the 
>>> >>>> computer in your cell phone can't compute, that your laptop or that a 
>>> >>>> super 
>>> >>>> computer (or even a quantum computer) can.  It just comes down to 
>>> >>>> having 
>>> >>>> enough time and memory. 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> This is why you don't need to buy a new phone with new hardware every 
>>> >>>> time you want to install a new app.  Regardless of the type of CPU in 
>>> >>>> your 
>>> >>>> phone, it can be extended in its power of what it might compute only 
>>> >>>> given 
>>> >>>> some new software.  It is in this sense that computers are 
>>> >>>> "Universal", they 
>>> >>>> are universal in the same sense that of a universal remote, or in the 
>>> >>>> sense 
>>> >>>> that a record player is a universal sound imitating device.  A record 
>>> >>>> player 
>>> >>>> might emulate the sounds of an orchestra, Britney Spears, whale songs, 
>>> >>>> etc., 
>>> >>>> all it needs is the appropriate record and it can produce the sound. 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> In the same sense, all a Turing Machine (computer) needs to imitate 
>>> >>>> (or 
>>> >>>> emulate) the right program or function is the right software.  Because 
>>> >>>> of 
>>> >>>> this, anything that can be described in software, be it a brain 
>>> >>>> emulation, 
>>> >>>> an AI, a virtual environment, a virtual machine or operating system, 
>>> >>>> can 
>>> >>>> never know what hardware is running it, because the Church-Turing 
>>> >>>> thesis 
>>> >>>> says that any computer is capable of running it. 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> This is why if consciousness is computable (the computational theory 
>>> >>>> of 
>>> >>>> mind) we cannot know what is computing us (e.g. we could be in a 
>>> >>>> matrix type 
>>> >>>> simulation for all we know).  The other implication is that if 
>>> >>>> computations 
>>> >>>> exist in mathematics (and they do), then we exist within mathematics. 
>>> >>>> Mathematics (or at least the part necessary to describe computations) 
>>> >>>> becomes the fundamental science of what we experience and what is 
>>> >>>> possible 
>>> >>>> to experience or what we may predict about our future experiences 
>>> >>>> (physics). 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> 
>>> >>>> Jason 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> If someone digitizes (emulates) the Mona Lisa, is this equivalent to 
>>> >>> the 
>>> >>> Mona Lisa? 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> If you digitize a person and put the digitized Mona Lisa before them, it 
>>> >> is equivalent to the real Mona Lisa to that person, at least as far as 
>>> >> they 
>>> >> can tell. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> Can you write a function which is not computable? AG 
>>> >>> 
>>> >>> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> If by not computable you mean it never returns, then this is easy: 
>>> >> 
>>> >> function foo(): 
>>> >>   while (true) 
>>> >>   { 
>>> >>      // loop forever 
>>> >>   } 
>>> >> 
>>> >> There are also programs for which no one knows if they are computable or 
>>> >> not.  If you can prove whether or not this function ever completes, you 
>>> >> will 
>>> >> be world famous, and may even earn a million dollars (though I think the 
>>> >> prize has been retracted, it might be oferred again): 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Step 1: Set X = 4 
>>> >> Step 2: Set R = 0 
>>> >> Step 3: For each Y from 1 to X, if both Y and (X – Y) are prime, set R = 
>>> >> 1 
>>> >> Step 4: If R = 1, Set X = X + 2 and go to Step 2 
>>> >> Step 5: If R = 0, print X and halt 
>>> >> 
>>> >> All you have to prove is the computer either never gets to step 5 or 
>>> >> that 
>>> >> it does get to step 5.  Mathematicians have been working on a related 
>>> >> problem for 300 years, no one has solved it yet. 
>>> >> 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Jason 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > I was asking about a well-defined mathematical function that can be 
>>> > written 
>>> > in closed form, or possibly as an infinite series. I believe that all 
>>> > such 
>>> > functions are computable. I was not discussing subroutines that might 
>>> > never 
>>> > terminate. If all well defined mathematical functions are computable, why 
>>> > did computability become a big deal? AG 
>>> It is not true that all well-defined functions are computable. You 
>>> have already been given examples by Jason and John of well-defined 
>>> mathematical functions that are non-computable. 
>>> You seem to confuse "well-defined" with "written in closed form". The 
>>> latter is not even well-defined (heheh) because it hangs on the idea 
>>> of a set of "well-known" functions, and people already have different 
>>> ideas on what that set includes. Having well-known representations 
>>> such as sin(x) or e^x, or even x + y does not magically make the 
>>> related computations non-algorithmic. How do you think you learned how 
>>> to add, subtract, multiply and divide in basic school? Those were 
>>> algorithms. 
>>> Well-defined just means that there is a non-ambiguous way to know if a 
>>> given value corresponds to a given input of the function. If I tell 
>>> you to consider the function f, such that its value is zero no matter 
>>> the input, then I gave you a well-defined function in plain English. 
>>> There is nothing magical about notation. 
>>> Telmo. 
>>> So a "function" must have a well defined domain set, finite or infinite, 
>>> and is not limited to closed forms but includes infinite series and 
>>> algorithms. In such case, an infinite loop, even if it has an initial 
>>> value, is not a function and not computable, whereas all closed forms are 
>>> computable. Agreed? AG 
>> Infinite loop can be extended into the computable. The problem are infinite 
>> computations getting more and more complex, and with no loop.
>> I don't see why an infinite loop can be computable. I see there are 
>> subtleties in this concept.  AG
> We will come back on this. If there is a loop, it might be dented and the non 
> computable function is not computable only in a superficial manner: it can be 
> extended into something computable, but that will not be the case for most 
> machine’s attribute. But you need to have a some understanding of the 
> diagonal of Cantor.
>> I am not sure what you mean by close form.
>> Initially, I meant something that can be written down explicitly or 
>> expressly, like a polynomial, and can be calculated for every value in its 
>> domain. I then extended it to infinite series or sums, which converge. I 
>> then accepted that functions could include software algorithms.  AG
> OK. (That is a combinator, actually, but we will come back on this).
>> No worry, we will see soon, example of well defined functions which are not 
>> computable. Basically all attributes of universal machine are not computable.
>> This seems very UN-intuitive. Incidentally, my computer broke down again due 
>> to a faulty repair two months ago. I am using a library computer which 
>> limits my time and is unavailable on Sunday. It will slow my plan to study 
>> some of your material, including Cantor's proof.  AG
> OK. Actually I will be slowed down too, as the exam period has begun today.
>> Finally, a general critical comment on your theory, CMIIAW, that 
>> consciousness causes the illusion of matter and the apparent reality of 
>> events and processes.  As I previously noted on this or a related thread, 
>> consciousness seems to be a late comer to the universe.
> I can understand, but here mechanism will change this, in an admittedly quite 
> counter-intuitive way.
> We will have:
> Number ==> consciousness ==> matter/universes ==> human consciousness. 
> How can consciousness be (logically) prior to matter when we have hugely 
> strong evidence of the opposite?

Because human consciousness requires matter. But matter requires a more general 
form of consciousness.

> Can you give a plausibility argument? Mine would be this, acquired on some 
> LSD trips on a galaxy long long time ago and far far away; whatever we see as 
> we view the world appears to partake in consciousness; Yes, "inanimate" 
> matter as well. AG 

The plausibility will be arise from computationalisme. If the brain is 
“digitalisable”, then it is faithfully emulated in infinitely many computations 
in arithmetic. 
That is why I explain a bit of the combinators and Turing machine: to explain 
that the notion of computation is a mathematical notion. It does not involve 
any physical, nor metaphysical hypothesis, except for the thesis of Church, 
Turing, Post, Kleene. I will come back on this when I have more time.


>> It's easy to identify events and processes that occurred way before any 
>> identifiable consciousness existed, such as the formation of the Sun, Earth, 
>> and Moon. I'd be interested in your comment on this issue. I commend you for 
>> your guts to attempt solve the problem of consciousness, but because of what 
>> I just wrote, I don't believe your theory can explain what I believe you 
>> represent it doing. AG
> "My theory” is Digital Mechanism. It helps to formulate the mind-body 
> problem, and to suggest a solution which is closer to Plato’s idealism than 
> to Aristotle’s materialism (current paradigm in science and religion today).
> Bruno
>> Bruno
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