On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 7:23 PM Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>

> Is it different with people, do you know the impact removing 725,000
>> people  from the realm of the living every year will have? If not and
>> their impacts are  equally unknown then I think you should give the
>> benefit of the doubt to the  human not the mosquito.

> * >Yes it is different. According to the first hit on Google, the economic
> cost of malaria runs to $12 billion per annum.* (
> https://www.malariafreefuture.org/malaria).
* It is not equally unknown.*

Do you really think the figure "12 billion dollars" answers all or even
most questions regarding the death of 725.000 people or even comes within a
thousand light years of doing so? Even something as simple as the wind
needs a vector to describe it, 2 numbers are needed one for speed and one
for direction; but you think the lives of 725,000 people just needs a scalar,
one number, 12 billion.

>*ecosystems are complex systems, and small changes can have outsized
> effects.*

People are part of the ecosystem too, and the most complex and
unpredictable part. One of those 725,000 people who lost their lives
because you thought mosquitoes were more important might have been the next
Einstein, or been the father or grandfather of one, or maybe the next
Hitler, nobody knows.

> *You don't need to convince Greenpeace. You need to convince the
> regulatory authorities,*

I need to convince whoever has the loudest voice because that's the one the
regulatory agencies and their political bosses hear. And the loudest voice
is seldom  the wisest

> *It may well be that in order to convince the regulatory authorities, you
> also need to convince the voting public. That may well involve doing
> exactly the sort of small-scale studies I'm proposing,*

I don't care if you have 6.02*10^23 studies all pointing in the same
direction, the voting public that made Donald Trump the most powerful man
on the planet won't believe in any of them unless their fearless leader
orders them to believe it.

 * > the problem is that malaria mostly affects the poorer countries that
> don't have that sort of cash lying around. It's a good thing Bill Gates is
> in that corner.*

I agree, millions of people who are alive and well would be dead without
Bill Gates . If we have to have a billionaire as president I wish it was

John K Clark

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