On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 10:19 PM Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> *I've had a few "telepathic" experiences*
>> >> There is a new job opening for a good telepath, the pay is very good
>> and the benefits are terrific. You know where to apply.
> *> We're not sufficiently evolved to make these phenomena occur by an act
> of will. They usually occur when the observer, or chance, sets up the
> subtle prerequisite conditions without knowing exactly what they are.*

It doesn't matter how rare it is, if the phenomena existed at all it would
show up statistically if you performed enough trials. And every single day
millions of people bet on the lottery and it's easy to calculate how much
money the state should make on average each day if the telepathic effect
was zero; and every day that is indeed what turns out to have occurred. The
outcome is always consistent with the telepathic effect being zero. States
are so certain of the consistency of this revenue stream they base their
budgets on it.

And it's not just the lottery, the next time you go to Los Vegas take a
look at all those big beautiful casinos and ask yourself where the money to
build them came from. It came from the pockets of people just like you who
thought they were telepathic and could beat the law of averages.

If it were real the existence of telepathy would have been demonstrated to
EVERYBODY'S satisfaction centuries ago, but instead we are rehashing the
same crappy anecdotal evidence we were centuries ago and going nowhere.

 John K Clark

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