I've also had what I could call special occasioned "psychic" experiences - but, in retrospect, being perfectly honest with myself, I didn't count the tremendous of misses before and after I had the so called, "hits." And, later, when I had what I thought I was totally certain were more hits, they were misses.  .... Which is when I realized that the _missed hits _are more important than the hits.... unless one is not honest with oneself and the world.
Cheers! Howard Marks

On 6/10/2019 4:50 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:

On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 1:34:31 PM UTC-6, howardmarks wrote:

    ALL well-conducted experiments for psi (even experiments to test
    for "spontaneous occurrences"), NO exceptions, has ZERO hits -
    except for unprovable personal claims of "subjective experiences"
    like Cosmin's and Grayson's. Any positive "reports" are either
    _anecdotal_, very terribly performed under non-falsifiable
    hypotheses, or the statistics of small numbers. The article Cosmin
    gave below from NIH is typical. Extremely important tasks that an
    honest experimentalist needs to do are to use a large N and
    properly randomize (if statistics are employed), which are seldom
    done. And, as Cosmin's article reports, often not taken adequately
    into consideration are the candidate "telepath's" recent
    experiences before the experiment that might color the results,
    like "habituation", "priming", facilitation, recall, and 
    emotional experiences, etc. And, choice of targets for candidate
    "telepaths" needs to be neutral, not, as Cosmin's article suggests
    for instance, that "a target is a photo that candidates should
    "psychically" decide depicts "happiness or sadness" "ugly or
    pretty" or whatever.... Bad targets don't allow randomizing to
    eliminate all types of emotional "noise."

    Intentional or unintentional LYING by the experimenter (stretching
    the data by the authors to support their beliefs, "cherry
    picking", rejecting data, again to support the author's beliefs,
    etc. are often never filtered out from a so called peer-reviewed
    and university degreed people, is ZERO. And often experiments that
    were redone to "confirm" a reported "hit" also turned out to be
    misses when fraud by claimant, cherry picking data, etc. were
    Precognition? _How is it that truly anonymous precognition
    hotlines on the internet, on which predictions are published
    before the world and eliminate fraud, lying by the claimants, has
    a hit or miss score of ZERO hits (??) with 100s of thousands of
    submissions, maybe millions_?? (I gave one link to a
    representative hotline elsewhere in this thread)._Even one hit
    would bring it off ZERO_. Of course, a rich oink could have made a
    prediction of some catastrophe, and later paid to cause the
    prediction to happen --- but even that didn't happen... 5 or 6
    figures to ZERO score for precognition. It doesn't take Wheeler to
    figure out the statistics and p for a score of zero to any number....

    I am qualified to report on what I say above and elsewhere on this
    thread, as my father was a die-hard believer in PSI and I tried to
    help him find people that could demonstrate.... Early on, as now, 
    I kept/keep an open impartial mind to new evidence. I met Randi,
    CSICOP, CSI members that way, traveled to a few conventions the
    believers had, in hopes of finding even one person who could
    demonstrate PSI.  Nyet. ZERO. Boo hao....   Is love excluded for
    these people and organizations?  You will find few individuals
    with more love than those looking scientifically for a hit....
    sorry Cosmin...

    But, Cosmin, the "proofs" you say we (you) are always receiving
    that you believe are "proofs" of telepathy - are definitely not
    telepathy - and if you are honest, you might see they are
    misinterpretations of "rapport" and "indentification," and other
    physical communication between individuals....   This is super
    easy to show - as for instance, if you claim to be communicating/
    psychically communing with your girl friend, then it's easy to set
    up experiments to isolate the experiences from chance and external
    influences such as (but not limited to) both of you seeing a web
    news story (or renditions of such), even far removed, as internet
    is international, and reacting to it - then posting on facebook...
    etc.. as you suggest..... And if you are honest, you gotta count
    EVERY non-hit as well as the hits when you tally a score.... The
    non-hits gotta be dozens per day.  You are likely labeling
    experiences you have as "psychic" when they are actually your
    "stream of consciousness," ala' Dr James Joyce (also a psychic
    researcher), working overtime.......
    Cheers! Howard Marks

*I disagree with Cosmin. The proofs are exceedingly difficult to come by, primarily because the experiences invariably involve specific emotional states of the observers, sort of like a dream in the way the communication occurs.  I would doubt the phenomenon can be shown by simple minded experiments involving statistics and predictions, like what card will turn up in many trials. I can recall three such experiences I've had, none of which I could reproduce due to the special circumstances. AG*

    On 10-06-2019 11:51, 'Cosmin Visan' via Everything List wrote:
    You are always receiving proofs, but you always mindlessly reject
    because you are indoctrinated.

    Bem did some experiments proving precognition. 90 other experiments ,
    replicated those results. So where are those "ZERO people" that you
    talk about ? Fake news much ?
    On Monday, 10 June 2019 12:45:28 UTC+3, smitra wrote: Prove your
    points. On 6/10/2019 7:24 AM, John Clark wrote:
    On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 10:19 PM Alan Grayson <agrays...@gmail.com
    <javascript:>> wrote:

                >>>///I've had a few "telepathic" experiences/

            >> There is a new job opening for a good telepath, the pay
            is very good and the benefits are terrific. You know
            where to apply.

        /> We're not sufficiently evolved to make these phenomena
        occur by an act of will. They usually occur when the
        observer, or chance, sets up the subtle prerequisite
        conditions without knowing exactly what they are./

    It doesn't matter how rare it is, if the phenomena existed at all
    it would show up statistically if you performed enough trials.
    And every single day millions of people bet on the lottery and
    it's easy to calculate how much money the state should make on
    average each day if the telepathic effect was zero; and every day
    that is indeed what turns out to have occurred. The outcome is
    always consistent with the telepathic effect being zero. States
    are so certain of the consistency of this revenue stream they
    base their budgets on it.

    And it's not just the lottery, the next time you go to Los Vegas
    take a look at all those big beautiful casinos and ask yourself
    where the money to build them came from. It came from the pockets
    of people just like you who thought they were telepathic and
    could beat the law of averages.

    If it were real the existence of telepathy would have been
    demonstrated to EVERYBODY'S satisfaction centuries ago, but
    instead we are rehashing the same crappy anecdotal evidence we
    were centuries ago and going nowhere.

     John K Clark

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