> On 18 Jun 2019, at 02:14, Lawrence Crowell <goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> The stochastic aspects of QM emerge in measurement, where the modulus square 
> of amplitudes are probabilities and there are these random outcomes. The 
> measurement of a quantum state is not a quantum process, but has stochastic 
> outcomes predicted by QM. Based on the Hamkin's work where I only looked at 
> the slides and not yet the paper, it seems possible to do this with quantum 
> computer.
> http://jdh.hamkins.org/computational-self-reference-and-the-universal-algorithm-queen-mary-university-of-london-june-2019/
> slides:
> http://jdh.hamkins.org/wp-content/uploads/Computational-self-reference-and-the-universal-algorithm-QMUL-2019-1.pdf
> I wrote a couple of elementary Python codes for the QE machine IBM has to 
> prepare states and run then through Hadamard gates. The thought occurred to 
> me that this Quining could be done quantum mechanically as a set of Hadamard 
> gates that duplicate a qubit or an bipartite entangled qubit. This is a part 
> of my ansatz that a measurement is a sort of Gödel numbering of quantum 
> states as qubit data in other quantum states.
> Quantum computations are mapped into an orthomodular lattice that does not 
> obey the distributive property. The distributive law of p and (q or r) = (p 
> and q) or (p and r) fails. The reason is due to the Heisenberg uncertainty 
> principle. Suppose we let p = momentum in the interval [0, P], q = position 
> in the interval [-x, x] and r = particle in interval [x, y]. The proposition 
> p and (q or r) is true if this spread in momentum [0, P] is equal to the 
> reciprocal of the spread of position [-x, y] with
> P = ħ/sqrt(y^2 + x^2).
> The distributive law would then mean
> P = ħ/|y| or P = ħ/|x|
> which is clearly false. This is the major difference with quantum logic and 
> Boolean classical logic. These lattices of quantum logic have polytope 
> realizations.
> This is in fact another way of realizing that QM can't be built up from 
> classical physics. If this were the case then quantum orthomodular lattices, 
> which act on convex sets on L^p spaces with p = ½ would be somehow built from 
> lattices acting on convex sets with p → ∞. This is for any deterministic 
> system, whether Newtonian physics or a Turing machine. It is this flip 
> between convex sets that is difficult to understand. With p = ½ and the 
> duality between two convex sets as 1/p + 1/q = 1 the dual to QM also has L^2 
> measure. This is spacetime with the Gaussian interval. For a p → ∞ the dual 
> is q = 1 which is a purely stochastic system, say an idealized set of dice or 
> roulette wheel with no deterministic predictability.
> The point of Quining statements quantum mechanically is that this might be a 
> start for looking at a quantum measurement as a way that quantum states 
> encode qubit information of other quantum states. It is a sort of Gödel 
> self-reference, and my suspicion is the so called measurement problem is not 
> solvable. The decoherence of states is then a case where p = ½ → 1 with an 
> outcome. That is pure randomness.

With mechanism, that randomness is reduced into the indeterminacy in 
self-multiplication experience. It come from the many-histories internal 
interpretation of arithmetic, in which all sound universal numbers converges. 
The quantum aspect of nature is just how the (sigma_1) arithmetical reality 
looks like from inside. This explains where the apparent collapse comes from, 
in a similar way than Everett, but it explains also where the wave comes from. 
Eventually quantum mechanics is just a modal internal view of arithmetic, or 
anything Turing equivalent. The math, and quantum physics confirms 
computationalism up to now, where physicalism and materialism are inconsistent, 
or consciousness or person eliminative.

> Now of course we can ask what we mean by random, and that is undefinable. 
> Given any set of binary strings of length n there are N = 2^n of these, and 
> in general for n → ∞ there is no universal Turing machine which can compress 
> these into any general algorithm, or equivalently the Halting problem can't 
> be solved. A glance at this should indicate that N is the power set of n and 
> this is not Cantor diagonalizable. Chaitin found there is an uncomputable 
> Halting probability for any subset of these strings. Randomness is then 
> something that can't be encoded in an algorithm, only pseudo-randomness.
> The situation is then similar to the fifth axiom of geometry. In geometry one 
> may consider the 5th axiom as true and remain within a consistent geometry. 
> One may similarly stay within the confines of QM, but there is this nagging 
> issue of decoherence or measurement. One may conversely assume the 5th axiom 
> is false, but now one has a huge set of geometries that are not consistent 
> with each other. Similarly in QM one may adopt a particular quantum 
> interpretation.

QM cannot be invoked except as a toll to test Mechanism (computationalism).


> LC
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