On Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 5:20:13 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
> On 11/7/2019 4:06 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 11:41:11 AM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>> On 11/6/2019 10:31 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 11:20:23 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>>> On 11/6/2019 9:00 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 7:17:21 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>>>> On 11/6/2019 4:44 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 3:46:54 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>>>>> On 11/6/2019 12:05 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 10:23:58 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote: 
>>>>>> On 11/5/2019 9:09 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>>>>> Crossing the horizon is a nonevent for the most part. If you try to 
>>>>>>> accelerate so you hover just above it the time dilation and that you 
>>>>>>> are in 
>>>>>>> an extreme Rindler wedge will mean you are subjected to a torrent of 
>>>>>>> radiation. In principle a probe could accelerate to 10^{53}m/s^2 and 
>>>>>>> hover 
>>>>>>> a Planck unit distance above the horizon. You would be at the stretched 
>>>>>>> horizon. This would be almost a sort of singular event. On the other 
>>>>>>> hand 
>>>>>>> if you fall on an inertial frame inwards there is nothing unusual at 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> horizon.
>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>> Do you mean that clock rates continue to slow as an observer 
>>>>>> approaches the event horizon; then the clock stops when crossing, or on 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> event horizon; and after crossing the clock resumes its forward rate? AG 
>>>>>> He means the infalling clock doesn't slow down at all.   Whenever you 
>>>>>> see the word "clock" in a discussion of relativity it refers to an 
>>>>>> *ideal 
>>>>>> clock*.  It runs perfectly and never speeds up or slows down.  It's 
>>>>>> called *relativity* theory because observers *moving relative* to 
>>>>>> the clock *measure it* to run slower or faster than their (ideal) 
>>>>>> clock.
>>>>>> Brent
>>>>> I see. So if for the infalling observer, his clock seems to be running 
>>>>> "normally", but for some stationary observer, say above the event 
>>>>> horizon, 
>>>>> the infalling clock appears to running progressively slower as it falls 
>>>>> below the EH, even if it can't be observed or measured. According to GR, 
>>>>> is 
>>>>> there any depth below the event horizon where the infalling clock 
>>>>> theoretically stops? 
>>>>> I just explained that *clocks never slow* in relativity examples.  So 
>>>>> now you ask if there's a place they stop??
>>>>> Brent
>>>> I know, but that's not what I asked. Again, the infalling clock is 
>>>> measured as running slower than a stationary clock above the EH. As the 
>>>> infalling clock goes deeper into the BH, won't its theoretical rate 
>>>> continue to decrease as compared to the reference clock above the EH? How 
>>>> slow can it get? AG 
>>>> It *appears* (if the observer at infinity could see the extreme red 
>>>> shift) to *asymptotically approach stopped *as it approaches the event 
>>>> horizon.  This is because the photons take longer and longer to climb out 
>>>> because they have to traverse more and more spacetime.
>>>> Brent
>>> I'm referring to two clocks; one at finite distance above the EH, and 
>>> other infalling. Doesn't the infalling clock seem to run progressively 
>>> slower from the POV of the other clock, as it falls lower and lower? AG 
>>> I appears to run slower as seen by the distant observer.
>>> Brent
>> As it goes deeper and deeper into the BH, does the clock ever appear to 
>> It doesn't appear at all when it passes the event horizon.  It appears to 
>> stop as it approaches the event horizon.
>> Brent
> I know it can't be observed as it falls through the EH. That's why I 
> referred to clock "readings" after falling through as "theoretical". 
> Well it doesn't make much sense to call observations theoretical when it's 
> the theory that says they can't be observed.
> On the other hand, LC says falling through the EH is a non-event, as if 
> the infalling clock behaves as we expect based on a clock entering a region 
> of strong gravitational field. But let's say the clock appears to stop as 
> it approaches the EH, which is what I thought. How do you reconcile this 
> prediction, which is certainly weird? AG
> Reconcile it with what?  It's a consequence of the metric which is derived 
> from Einstein's equations.  It's not as if it's some unexplained 
> observation.  It's not an observation at all.  It's a theoretical 
> prediction.
> Brent

You don't see a problem with a theory that predicts a clock which stops as 
seen by an outside observer, when the observer using the clock, which 
measures proper time, must see it moving forward?  AG

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