On Monday, November 18, 2019 at 11:01:17 AM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
> On 11/17/2019 11:07 PM, Alan Grayson wrote: 
> > 
> > I forget if I raised this issue here or on another thread. I am 
> > beginning to doubt that isolation is possible. When a particle is 
> > created, how can it be isolated from the environment? If it cannot be 
> > isolated, if it's never really isolated, the decoherence model fails 
> > to establish anything. AG 
> Interactions are quantized like everything else.  There's smallest unit 
> of action, h.  So if the interaction is less than this it's zero.  So it 
> is possible to isolate variables. 
> Brent 

But if, say, a particle is created by some process, won't it be entangled 
with the causal entities defining the process and therefore be initially, 
and forever, non-isolated? AG 

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