On Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 4:30:28 PM UTC-6, John Clark wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 4:36 PM Lawrence Crowell <goldenfield...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> *> The Planck unit of length and time does not mean space or spacetime is 
>> discrete. All it means is this is the smallest scale one can localize a 
>> quantum bit of information. It does not mean that spacetime is somehow 
>> discrete.*
> If discrete spacetime does not mean there is a smallest scale that a Qubit 
> of information can be localized then what does "discrete spacetime" mean?

> John K Clark

It is a form of quotient geometry. For 

1 →  G → H → K → 1

for G = U(1), H = U(N) and K = PSU(N) = SU(N)/Z_N this short exact sequence 
defines a discrete  gauge group. The projective Lie group is a Kleinian and 
for a manifold associated with SU(N), say AdS_5 = U(2, 2)/O(4,1) the 
quotient defines an underlying discretization. Of course to do this in 
greater generality we need to have a discrete system with polytopes that 
define cells. So G could be the Coxeter group for a polytope. Say for G the 
Coxeter group for the 4-dim icosian H the group O(3,2) ≈ AdS_4×O(3,1) then 
K would be this spacetime, with the Lorentz group, in a quotient with a lattice 


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