On Thu, Jan 2, 2020 at 2:30 AM Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *> If we're convinced it's finite in age, then it can't be infinite in
> spatial extent. AG *

We don't know for sure our universe is infinite in size and we'll never
know for sure because we'll never be able to measure precisely zero
curvature with no error at all, but we do know it's pretty damn flat, if
it's curved it's so slight that a light beam would have to go at least 500
times as far as our telescopes can see for it to return where it started.
So if you respect the empirical evidence for the Big Bang but the idea of a
beginning of a infinitely sized universe makes you unhappy then the
Multiverse idea offers you an obvious solution, you get an infinitely large
infinitely old Multiverse but with the observable universe having a
beginning and being only finitely large. However I understand the
Multiverse makes you unhappy too. I fear you may be destined to be unhappy.

By the way ... does the inverse also make you unhappy, something
infinitely old but finite in spatial extent?

John K Clark

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