On 2/2/2020 9:00 AM, smitra wrote:
On 02-02-2020 12:32, Alan Grayson wrote:
On Saturday, February 1, 2020 at 11:42:12 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:

First, it's false.  You can make it true by interpreting "can
happen" to mean "can happen according the prediction of quantum
mechanics for this situation", but then it becomes trivial. Second,
it's not "at the heart of MWI"; the trivial version is all that MWI
implies.  Read the first few paragraphs of this paper:

arXiv:quant-ph/0702121v1 13 Feb 2007


In posing the question, I want to give its advocates such as Clark the
opportunity to justify the postulate. It goes way beyond the MWI and
QM. E.g., it means that if someone puts on his/her right shoe first
this morning, there must be a universe in which a copy of the person
puts on his/her left shoe first. It seems way, way over the top, but
oddly many embrace it with gusto. AG

On 2/1/2020 7:48 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:

That copy then did something differently and will then diverge and become a different person. The reverse is also true. Two arbitrary different persons have always branched off from an identical set of copies in the past. Take e.g. you and someone who lived 50,000 years ago in the ice age.

When you were born, you would not have immediately known about the modern world. You could just have been born into an ice age community living in some cave. So, your mind would have been identical to that of a baby born into such an ice age community. The split between the ice age baby and the modern baby would have occurred quite some time after birth.

You would even have been identical to a T-Rex embryo if you go a bit before birth. All conscious agents were identical to each other if you go back to close enough to the point where you came into existence, as you started out with zero information.

And they will all be equal when they are dead.  But I don't think that implies some continuum connecting them.


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