On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 12:38:16 AM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 5:49:38 AM UTC-7, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>>> It's *your own "interpretation"*, not MWI.  Publish it and call it 
>> something else.
>> @philipthrift 
> LOL. I won't publish! There's more than enough confusion as is. No point 
> in increasing it! You're probably correct; it's my interpretation of MW, 
> probably not exactly what Everett had in mind.  But in the final analysis I 
> don't think it matters. MW is nonsense, however you define it. There's no 
> reason to believe that a horse which loses a race in this world, implies 
> another world in which it wins. AG

What you said above

"Have you considered forgetting about wf's and just use Dirac's Matrix 
Mechanics instead of the SWE? In MM there are no waves so no collapse to 
worry about. Why focus on collapse of the wf when you can use MM? AG"

is correct of course. This is well known - that there are several 
"interpretations" that are not in terms of Hilbert Space or wave function.

*Quantum Dynamics without the Wave Function*

*The Form and Interpretation of the Decoherence Functional*
*A realist quantum theory based on the decoherence functional using the 
co-event interpretation of Quantum Measure Theory. The Sum-Over-Histories 
theory of quantum mechanics will provide the bedding for a 
Hilbert-space-free stochastic-like theory.*


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