On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 8:28:02 PM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
> On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 4:50:55 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>> There is no global meaning to energy conservation. There is the 
>> Hamiltonian constraint Nℌ = 0, which just says that for a local region 
>> where the lapse function can be parallel translated to the energy is zero. 
>> This is for Petrov type O solutions 
>> Nℌ = 0 = ½(da/dt)^2 - 4πGρa^2/3c^3 - k
>> Which leads to the FLRW constraint
>> (a’/a)^2 = 8πGρ/3c^3 – k/a^2 a’ = da/dt
>> Where the Hubble parameter H = 70km/s-Mpc  is (a’/a)^2 = H^2. This means 
>> that in a local region we have energy conservation FAPP. The difficulty is 
>> this is not a property of the symmetries of the system so we have no way to 
>> extend this globally.
>> What this ultimately means is that all physics is local. It does not mean 
>> we have mass-energy locally vanishing. The apparent increase in the kinetic 
>> energy due to expansion is well enough compensated for by a decease in 
>> gravitational potential energy.
> This is the claim, but I haven't seen any proof of it. Do you have one? 
> Take a planet. Can you show that Mc^2, where M is the planet's mass, is 
> equal to its negative gravitational potential energy? AG
Apriori, the claim seems unreasonable -- because the mass-energy equivalent 
of a material body like a planet is huge, but the negative gravitational 
energy seems small by comparison --goes as -1/r. AG

There is nothing mysterious going on here. All this means is there is a 
>> limitation or horizon to our ability to know if there are global symmetries 
>> to the universe. As such there is no meaning to conservation principles.
> We can estimate the volume of the observable universe and its average 
> mass-energy density. So it seems we can estimate its total energy. Does 
> that energy remain constant or not as the universe expands? This seems like 
> a reasonable question to ask. AG 
>> LC
>> On Friday, May 8, 2020 at 3:00:18 AM UTC-5, Alan Grayson wrote:
>>> If it's not conserved, as seems implied by the red shift due to 
>>> expansion, where does it go? TIA, AG

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