On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 6:58 PM Alan Grayson <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> Some other examples: using Newton's law of gravitation, one can
> mathematically DERIVE the result that planet trajectories are conic
> sections; using mathematics one can show that Newton's equations of motion,
> Hamilton's equations of motions, and Lagrange's equations of motion are
> equivalent;*

Yes, you can prove MATHEMATICALLY that Newton and Lagrange's equations are
exactly equivalent, but more than a century ago it was proven
EXPERIMENTALLY that both those equations are equally WRONG, or at least
less correct than Einstein's equations of motion.  Perhaps someday somebody
will find equations that make predictions even better than Einstein's, but
they could not be proven to be better mathematically, they'd have to be
proven to be better experimentally.

John K Clark


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