On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 1:33 PM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 2:11 PM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Only a fool would look to an imbecile and congenital liar such as
>>> Donald J Trump for medacal advice. There will always be scientific
>>> contrarians about anything but I look to the latest scientific consensus
>>> for my medacal advice, and the more recent it is the more it says
>>> hydroxychloroquine is worthless or even harmful in the treatment of
>>> COVID-19.
>> > *If your first thought as to the efficacy of a particular medication
>> is to point to what a particular politician said, *
> Historically if you had bet that the exact opposite of what that particular
> American politician had said was true then you would've won your bet far
> far more often than you'd expect by random chance. However Induction is not
> perfect so it can't give a guarantee of future success, but it's a pretty
> damn good rule of thumb.
> *> then I fear you may not be using the scientific method. *
> I believe part of the scientific method is believing that what the
> consensus of the scientific community says is far more likely to be closer
> to the truth than what a right wing fascist president with a room
> temperature IQ (in Centigrade) says.
The scientific consensus is based on scientific studies, is it not?

*Every single study* <https://c19study.com/> (dozens of them) that
investigated early and prophylactic use of HCQ showed a benefit, without

So then, what is the scientific consensus on early/prophylactic use?


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