On Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 5:25:28 PM UTC-5 PGC wrote:

Yeah, when I read crap such as what you just wrote it makes me more 
strongly ponder getting the hell out of this country.


[image: antifa and WWII.jpg]

On Saturday, October 3, 2020 at 7:34:55 PM UTC+2 spudb...@aol.com wrote:
>> Bruno, the new Supreme court thing will surely have impact on US Society. 
>> however, as Americans are aware, this is an internal battle that we always 
>> do, 
> Maybe always, but it isn't normal. It is merely a stage to distract the 
> wider public.
>> and the alarmist propaganda is no more valid than when Antonin Scalia was 
>> alive, and on the court, and still as a jurist spent some time taking 
>> fellow jurist Elena Kagan (Liberal and Lesbian) along with him on their 
>> hunting trips-Scalia was an avid hunter. The nominee is villified and the 
>> opposition wants to pack the courts (add additional members to ensure a 
>> constant win for their team),
> It is shameful. These democratic rats will never stop at anything to 
> ensure their power and control. 
>> and this is all a domestic thing with the US. The Putin thing, the 
>> democrats here have tried and miserbly failed for 5 years, the Obama 
>> administrations attempt to by using his own agents in the US department of 
>> Justice, the FBI, the CIA, to first undermine Orange's candidacy and then 
>> tried for impeachment. The Crossfire Hurricane Conspiracy. 
>> https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/16/us/politics/crossfire-hurricane-trump-russia-fbi-mueller-investigation.html
> Yeah, and they "let" him win so that the public wouldn't suspect the real 
> under deep state, the quasi-superiors of those agents, who green lit the 
> Obama administration to place themselves along with deep state agents 
> (camouflage) where they are now, so that they would appear properly 
> supervised and integrated in hierarchy instead of just seeming "planted", 
> with paper trails etc., in the more common and obvious conspiratorial 
> sense. That way operation "witch hunt" could be planted in a way for 
> NYtimes idiots to dig up.
>> Erdogan may cause a back-reaction (optical physics!!!) via his proxy war 
>> with Armenia v Azerbaijan (Turkey v Russia?) and the wants to stir up 
>> things with Israel? 
> Why the question mark? This is so obvious, but yes... to be more exact 
> than your layman's description: Erdogan is back-reacting self-consistency 
> to Putin as a "favor" property via the proxy war through pretending to back 
> Azerbaijan, while bolstering react visibility to the Armenian cause through 
> LA and the Hollywood connections there. That way, it's win-win for him, as 
> the Obama under real under deep and deep state will also get kickbacks from 
> the liberal publicity generated, while Israel would obviously be stirred, 
> as per your choice of words.
>> Xi, is the big threat,* though the EU doesn't see it this way, as Xi 
>> seeks what seems to be a true hegemony, meaning, no win-win. 
> The EU totally doesn't see China. It just sells and buys everything from 
> them. Ha LOL idiots in the EU.
>> For somebody who dismissed Corona/Wuhan, Trump has funded the greatest 
>> vaccine search in human history and we are now seeing 3rd level mass trials 
>> testing it out-so let us hope! 
> Yeah, and his tax returns had to stay hidden to be able to do this without 
> the under deep state (and its obvious deep state graft on top) to get wind 
> from this. His vast fortune hidden to fund the entirety of the greatest 
> vaccine search in human history... while the dems will all grab any vaccine 
> that comes out of it with their greedy rat hands and accuse him of tax 
> fraud, cheating, or lying about his wealth, when all he wanted was to be 
> discreet and serve his country.
>> I do think that it is Vanity that causes some people not to use masks, 
>> and if ego is a sin, Orange Man caught that bug long ago. Also, Kurds 
>> have not been wiped out by Turkey yet, as predicted by "experts."  The 
>> physics of politics seem much more complex than the physics of the cosmos. 
>> *China has surged ahead with the installation of first strike hypersonic 
>> missiles, which the US is now playing catch up. No win-win with Xi's CP. :-(
>> https://www.newsweek.com/china-hypersonic-missile-weapons-worried-u-s-arms-race-military-pentagon-1447681
> Of course the Kurds' are celebrating secretly because, as everyone knows, 
> one of the most powerful survival tactics is playing dead. Still, you seem 
> to underestimate the obvious connection between how China and the US 
> democrats are moving in concert. For example, the democrats only want 
> universal health care, higher minimum wages, women and minorities to have 
> power, so that all the budget for weapons gets diverted. CP + XI laugh with 
> the democrats and promise these democratic families and blood lines 
> prominent positions, businesses, islands, slaves, and secret cures (not so 
> secret to those in the know of deep plandemics obviously...) in the new 
> post wuhan hegemony. 
> It's clear you're not yet initiated to this level of information, reading 
> nytimes and all that, but no worries, I see the good intent and if you keep 
> up the good work here, I'll consider mentioning you in one of my reports. 

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