I would say that the Tuskegee experiment was indeed akin to Unit 731 & Dachau, 
because it didn't care whether the sufferers live or died. On problem solving I 
always deliberately race to technology as the first and foremost solution to 
most problems. It is not always this way, but I'd bet that it often is the 
best. Since we are both technologically inclined one of the issues we may be 
facing soon is mass unemployment due to the old term, automation. Andrew Yang's 
fix for this was guaranteed income. Rather than just print money which leads to 
hyperinflation, we will need to, at least, drive down the costs of 
manufacturing. The costs of manufacturing besides wages have been heat and 
electricity mostly. 
We could hugely expand solar and wind-a-sea, as the lowest cost method's of 
generating electricity directly, or water splitting in the form of hydrogen, 
combined with batteries and fuel cells respectively. Siemens has built a gas 
turbine that burns only H2 rather than methane, additionally. 
Last we need materials that are cheap to produce and process. Materials that 
will substitute for plastics and leather. For this we now have algae, 
mushrooms, and crop and forest harvesting. One can throw in hemp as well. I buy 
plates made from palm leaves at Whole Earth. These are from India. The paper 
plates they sell are from China (Xi-land) so I get the palm plates, I like the 
feel, much sturdier.  I am more virtuous for doing this? Hell no. The same is 
true about plastics from algae, and packing materials from shrooms. 
Please note, that even rednecks like solar power and batteries, especially for 
off the grid living. This is a marketing fact. Still, costs must come down to 
become dominant. 

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, Sep 30, 2021 6:06 pm
Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: Red Covid

 On 9/30/2021 2:16 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
What you have stated is absolutely true. The Tuskegee "experiment" is 100% 
historical fact. It is akin to the Nazis at Dachau, and also the Japanese Unit 
731 on the Yang Tze.  
 No it was not akin to those programs whose explicit purpose was to kill the 
subjects.  The Tuskegee experiment was begun at a time when there was no 
effective treatment, but some questionable ones.  The experiment was to study 
whether people who got no treatment actually fared worse that those given the 
questionable ones.  So the subjects were not given the "cures" but were 
otherwise cared for.  They did as well as people treated with so-called cures.  
So up until 1947 the experiment wasn't harming anyone...although it was 
unethical.  After 1947 antibiotics were available and were effective in 
treating syphillis and so the continuation of the experiment was harming the 
subjects...but not deliberately killing them.
 Trump did operation warp speed which was basically what is called The 
Wattenberg Method. The Wattenberg Method is simply as he stated which was, 
"Throw enough money and capital at a problem." Capital also so means STEM 
people. Trump was Booed at a rally or rallies, so yeah he backed off. 
  Now getting back to problem solving, let us focus medical research for 
certain, but also, if you want to remediate climate change for example, why not 
spend that "Infrastructure" cash on technology. Like solar power and batteries 
and other things. We won't save the earth on wishes and dreams. Viva 
 Why not solve more than one problem at a time?  That's what it takes to 
survive in the world.
 -----Original Message-----
 From: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
 To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wed, Sep 29, 2021 8:55 pm
 Subject: Re: NYTimes.com: Red Covid
   Blacks have some historically justified suspicion of "the man" because of 
things like the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, and the Trumpists have fed the 
general suspicion of vaccines.  Which is ironic since Trump would like to take 
credit for Operation Warp Speed producing a new vaccine in record time 
(although he had little to do with it).  But he was booed at one of his rallies 
when he suggested it would be good to get vaccinated, and he quickly backed 
away from it.
 On 9/29/2021 5:06 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
   Heh! These must be life long Trump voters, JC? 
Black L.A. residents have highest COVID hospitalization rate: ‘A deplorable 
  Hey! Wait a minute. I'm deplorable too. But JC you'll be pleased to know that 
your progressive policies now spawn free enterprise.  
Black market for fake vaccination cards is booming
Racial Disparities Exist Among Children Due to COVID-19, Report Shows
  Do you think the "Trump voters" frightened off this last category of citizens 
cuz racism trumpy-style? I mean I realize liberals already  know that nonwhites 
cant think for themselves, right? Or possibly these people may just have 
another reason?  
  "Hospitalization trends were also higher for AIAN, Black and Hispanic 
children, who are more likely to have multisystem inflammatory syndrome 
(MIS-C). They were two to three times as likely to be hospitalized as a result 
of COVID-19 than other groups."
  I know, no excuses for those that must be trump voters or witches (Almost 
Halloween!), and lacking faith in the dems who are now all progressivies is an 
unforgivable sin. I think they must simply all misunderstand the great genius 
of comrade Joe. Yeah, that's the ticket.  
 -----Original Message-----
 From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
 To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
 Sent: Wed, Sep 29, 2021 6:37 am
 Subject: NYTimes.com: Red Covid
   From The New York Times:
 Yet more evidence Trump supporters are STUPID. 
  "In counties where Donald Trump received at least 70 percent of the vote, the 
virus has killed about 47 out of every 100,000 people since the end of June. In 
counties where Trump won less than 32 percent of the vote, the number is about 
10 out of 100,000."  
  Red Covid
 Covid’s partisan pattern is growing more extreme.
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