On Friday, August 26, 2022 at 4:27:38 PM UTC-5 johnk...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 4:18 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <
> everyth...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> *> I postulate this. That had *[George] *Carlin lived longer, he would 
>> have, not without reject, voted for Orange Man. *
> *You've got to be kidding!!  *


Spudboy, you almost define idiocy.


> *> You dems groove on personality,*
> Guilty as charged. Call us crazy but for some silly reason we Democrats 
> would prefer that the person who has access to the nuclear launch codes 
> not be an megalomaniac ignoramus with the morality of an intestinal worm.
> * > but I focus on policy.*
> Like Trump's policy of revoking the affordable care act when he had 
> nothing to replace it even though he swore that he did? Lke disbanding the 
> pandemic response team that was supposed to catch epidemics in their 
> infancy because Obama started it and if Obama started something, anything, 
> his policy was to end it? Like his policy of canceling the Iran nuclear 
> deal even though Iran had not been violating it and resulted in Iran coming 
> much closer to having a nuclear bomb than it otherwise would? Like his 
> policy of changing the tax laws that gave huge tax breaks to corporations 
> and to individuals who made more than $500,000 a year but did virtually 
> nothing to help the middle class? Like his policy of appointing judges to 
> the Supreme Court that he knew would decree that women do not have 
> sovereignty over their own bodies? Like his policy of trying to nullify a 
> presidential election that he lost and instigating a coup d'état and doing 
> everything he could think of to become the first American dictator? Like 
> telling 30,573 lies during his administration, an average of 21 a day... oh 
> wait that one doesn't count because it's more of a personality thing than a 
> policy thing and you don't care about trivial things like honesty.
> >  I love how his vicious policy of prevented 5 million new migrant's be 
>> allowed to come into the US
> Did you also love his policy of child separation? Sorry silly question, 
> of course you did, you love all forms of cruelty as long as they're not 
> directed at you.   
>   John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>
> ndy
> ssq
> lp

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