On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 8:07 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 9:55 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 5:35 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>>
>>>>> *and how do they instantiate the probabilities that we measure.*
>>>> >> There is one observer for every quantum state Schrodinger's cat is
>>>> in.
>>> *>That is exactly the problem. That would suggest that the two outcomes
>>> (dead or alive) are equally likely. But it can easily be arranged that one
>>> outcome is more probable than the other. MWI cannot account for unequal
>>> probabilities.*
>> There are a googolplex number of Bruce Kelletts, all of which are in very
>> slightly different quantum states but they all observe that, although
>> Schrodinger's cat is in slightly different quantum states, the cat is alive
>> in all of them. And there are 3 googolplexes of Bruce Kelletts, all of
>> which are in very slightly different quantum states but they all observe
>> that, although Schrodinger's cat is in slightly different quantum states,
>> the cat is dead in all of them. Therefore if Bruce Kellett had no other
>> information than before he opened the box he would bet that there is
>> only one chance in four he would see an alive cat when the box was opened.
> Nonsense. Where did the 3:1 ratio come from? I know the decay rate of the
> radioactive source. I can arrange to open the box when there is only a 10%
> chance that the atom has decayed. In that case I clearly have a 90% chance
> of seeing a live cat when I open the box. Similarly, I can arrange for any
> probability between zero and one of seeing a live cat. Whereas, if there is
> always a live cat branch and a dead cat branch, my probability of seeing a
> live cat is always 50%, contrary to the laws of radioactive decay.

The time the decay occurs is roughly continuous over the hour of the
experiment. Thus the dead cat will have been dead for a random period
between 0 and 1 hours from the time it entered the box. You will find the
observed temperature of the cat will be a continuous variable correlated to
the time of the decay, and this requires an infinity of possible observers.


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