On Thu, 2010-07-15 at 09:15 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> And I think it extremely rude for someone to effectively say "I want to
> say something but I can't be arsed to find out what anyone else has to
> say. My time is more important than yours so please send the messages
> directly to me to save me the effort of finding out." 

Since we're in a string announcement period leading up to a release, I
was asked to post details of the changes to both gnome-i18n and

I'm not subscribed to those lists, and I don't need to be. If I *did*
subscribe, I'd almost never look in those folders anyway. Am I being
"extremely rude" when I do what I was asked to do, and post the
notification there?

I expect that if anyone has any questions or feedback to my post,
they'll be sensible enough to keep me in Cc when they reply.

And what if they don't -- if they reply only to the *one* list through
which they happened to receive the copy of the message that they hit
reply on?  Well, in that case they're not just dropping *me* from the
thread; they're also dropping the other mailing list too, and needlessly
balkanising the discussion.


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