On Mon, 2018-07-09 at 08:21 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > 
> > I also work on a remote island with dodgy internet - Australia!!
> Yeah, I'm on an island determined to make itself more and more remote
> ...

I'm on the neighbouring island ...

> > 
> > Going offline before suspend and back online after resume definitely
> > works but is a little painful, not so bad for me but my wife uses a
> > laptop and she just closes the lid..
> I've never had problems with resuming, except when I had a VPN turned
> on when it went to sleep. It seems to just get very confused by the VPN
> coming backup slowly (if at all).  Always the answer has been to just
> force Evo off-line (by click the link icon in the bottom left corner),
> then putting it back on-line.

I haven't had problems turning VPN on and off, but that would be my

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