I'm running Exchange 5.5 SP4 with OWA on a separate server. I just installed
the security update last night for OWA and since then I can't login to it on
an XP machine. I can with any other windows os. After three attempts it
either takes me to a blank screen or gives me an error 401.1Unauthorized
login failed.

I've seen Q204175, Q265256, and Q204175. Non of these have worked. The
Constant.inc file's bstrAuthTypesAcepted = "_BasicNTLMDPAMBS_BASICNegotiate"
line is already set. If I try to logon with the domain name\username syntax,
it doesn't work either. I've tried it both with our internal NT domain and
with our fully qualified domain name. I've also tried turning off Integrated
Windows Authentication. And no, my user account is not locked out, domain
users have the log on locally right, and I've tried it with three other user
accounts. Any Ideas?



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