Not to get into a war of words (as this appears to be something near and
dear to your heart), often IT is put in the position to have to:

A) Save money by not spending any, period (on Exchange or any other type of
upgrades, or disk, or what have you..)

B) Provide virtually unlimited service (unlimited file share, unlimited
email storage, etc....)

These two opposing conditions are imposed on us by those far more important
than myself in an organization.  In an organization, the fact that it is
sometimes impossible to meet these two criteria at the same time if often
lost on those who make these decisions.  It happened in our organization,
and it was decided that limits should be imposed.  Did we run out of space
directly because we had no limits to begin with?  I happen to believe no
limits encourages lazy usage (storing everything, to the point where you
can't remember if you need it, so you keep it) - I certainly may be
mistaken.  It seems clear to me that if reasonable limits are imposed, and
adjusted as needs change, one can get much more use out of a system. 

To speak to another of your points, sometimes "more disk drives" don't do
the trick.  Exchange (not Enterprise) imposes a software limit on the
information store.  Disk won't help if you hit that.  I agree with you that
you won't necessarily run out of space if you restrict storage.  However, I
would say its rather likely, from my experience.  It may not happen within a
week, or even a year, but users aren't typically concerned with keeping
their file and email storage neat and clean so to not fill up the server -
they have their own jobs to worry about.  Maybe the users in your
organization are different. 

John J. Steniger

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Woodrick, Ed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 2:32 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Unlimited Quotas
> Why do you pretend to be arrogant enough to be able to 
> dictate the needs
> of others? You don't seem to have any business drivers to justify your
> actions. And who is to say that getting additional disk drives for the
> user email storage isn't out of the question?
> And as to storage, it has nothing to do with processor and RAM. 
> And most importantly, just because you don't restrict the 
> users storage,
> doesn't mean that you will run out of space. That's 
> absolutely hogwash,
> a justification of why many IT shops get such a bad 
> reputation. Your job
> is to SUPPORT your users, not be a dictator. In the whole scheme of
> things, a few thousand dollars for some disk space and maybe 
> an upgrade
> in Exchange editions is petty cash. 
> The BUSINESS driver should not be an IT limit. Exchange really is able
> to support most business drivers with little difficulty. In the
> limitation of storage, that should be completely dictated by you
> organizations Document Retention Policy, which should be 
> dictated by the
> lawyers. And it shouldn't even be an IT function to enforce, 
> even if you
> can. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Liddil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Posted At: Friday, July 05, 2002 9:18 AM
> Posted To: Microsoft Exchange
> Conversation: Unlimited Quotas
> Subject: Unlimited Quotas
> I am being asked to justify why I have set quotas for users on our E2K
> server with 25 users.  Things that come to mind are that if we give
> users unlimited stores, we will have to buy more disk space in time.
> Also we have a single processor server with 512 ram.  So I 
> would make a
> WAG and say that we will be looking at a second processor and 
> more RAM.
> I am already looking at more RAM since our server is paging 
> quite a bit.
> And as we implement archiving and journaling this will impact 
> disk space
> as well as the backup (time, number of tapes).  I also realize that
> allowing unlimited space leads to users never managing their e-mail.  
> So besides these reasons are there any other reasons that I should be
> thinking about?  Thanks.
> Jim Liddil
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