Hi All,

Stuck on this one for some time.  Originally had one location with a mail 
enabled PF for invoices@....., worked fine.  A few months ago we set up a 
shared mailbox to do something similar in another location call it 
payables@.....  .  For some reason some email is getting moved from the 
payables to this PF and getting marked a red category when it does!  Someone 
here suggested it was rules.  I have checked and I don’t see any via OWA on the 
shared mailbox nor the two people who open it in outlook.  In message tracking 
I can see the payables email coming in to that email address that are getting 
moved.  I've run through all the events with it as the recipient and don't have 
any other hits. If I change to invoices@ as the recipient, I don’t see any of 
those emails coming in to it. I've tried setting both tracking for recipient 
and sender for all event id's to see if it narrows it down but nothing. Any 
tracking guru's here to fill in the blank, or is this not possible for rules?

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